Lincoln in is the top 3 of most tyrannical presidents in US - TopicsExpress


Lincoln in is the top 3 of most tyrannical presidents in US history. The other 2 being Woodrow Wilson and FDR. Lincoln expanded and grew executive powers substantially while in office. People excuse this by saying that doing so was necessary to win the war and hold the country together. I say theres never an excuse for suspending protection of individual rights which this country was based on and why we rebelled against Great Britain in the first place. We wanted freedom. Lincoln was all too happy to curtail said freedom, in the process sacrificing the lives of a whole 2% of the entire US population for the purpose of maintaining an industrialized nation to maximize profits and impose his policies on the states by force, which was in itself unconstitutional. He suspended one of the cornerstones of our society - habeas corpus - to this end, as well. He know through documentation, much via his own quoted admission, that Lincoln cared nothing about the plight of blacks and the horrors of slavery. He was content with allowing it to continue and only emancipated the slaves as a war tactic, as is obvious by his only initially freeing slaves in the southern states. The slaves of the northern states were not freed until over a year later by the 13th Amendment. Bottom line: Lincoln abused his powers by overreaching them to an obscene degree in order to forcefully impose his desires on the people of the United States. He circumvented Congress authority toward these ends. This is tyranny by definition. Under Lincolns orders blacks, tribes, and whites were savagely massacred. He is not the humanitarian portrayed in public education, and it takes very little investigation to expose the man for his true form and motive. By his own admission, he did not support the war as a means to end slavery, but to maintain a union. Lincoln defied the very idea that drove the Revolutionary War in order to support his agenda to maintain this union. Lincoln used dictator style force to keep southern states from seceding from the union. Slavery was a propagandized code word for promoting the Norths motives toward an industrialized united nation. As for the issue of slavery, like in any other civilized nation, it was an issue that could have been resolved without bloodshed. Lincoln led the most savage, bloody, devastating American war personal and superficial agenda. He invaded his own country, confiscated private property, imprisoned civilians, judges, police, and news media who disagreed with him. Razed towns and held people without trial. He trampled on the Constitution and violated the American peoples rights to a scale that was never seen before and was rivaled only perhaps by W. Wilson. He swore to uphold the Constitution, he lied. When the CSA sent a peace delegation to him, Lincoln refused to even see them. He denied the Souths legitimate cry for freedom and independence. He didnt care at all about abolishing slavery. All he cared about was keeping the profits from all of the Souths Cotton farms and plantations. He was a greedy tyrant. And only a tyrant tries to stop ones legitimate claim to independence. Look at King George in the Revolutionary war. He is a good example of a tyrant. So is Abraham Lincoln. He waged a war that has been lied about. The common term is Civil War. But the proper term is The War of Northern Aggression. If you look at the details and facts, the Confederacy was the good guys, and the Union was the bad guys.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 05:10:31 +0000

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