Local radio station 104.3 FM includes Baby got Back in its song - TopicsExpress


Local radio station 104.3 FM includes Baby got Back in its song rotation, which is one of the finest masterpieces of music to ever grace the pop charts with its divine presence. It also includes Im Yours, one of the most fetid corpses ever to float to the surface of the Hudson River that is the popular consciousness. So if I want the chance to Baby Got Back, I have to risk hearing even one goddamn repetitive line of Jason Mrazs bullshit lazy nonsense bullshit stupid goddamn waste of a guitar about having no problems and absolutely nothing bullshit goddammit. I could just download Baby Got Back on my iPod, but thats not the same. Ive got lots of good songs on my iPod, many of which no ones heard of. Hearing it on the radio is a reminder that yes, this song was immensely popular. Which it was. And it was glorious. But it also means I might be reminded that four lazy chords on an acoustic guitar and a stupid hat stayed in the top 40 for over a year and everything is vapid and awful and I hate everything. I mean, Ive made it no secret that Ive got terrible taste in music. I know, in theory, I am in no place to judge, but Im Yours, as far as Im concerned is in its own league of terrible things that should never have existed. That have no reason to exist, even in theory--its a song where its like, Hm, I should write a song about something, but my life is totally devoid of anything interesting. I know! Ill write a song about how my life is totally devoid of anything interesting! and if it had been, like, Jonathan Coulton or someone it could have turned into a really witty self-referential piece but no, Jason Mraz had to go and turn it into a blank sheet of paper coated in the scent of his own smug self-satisfied farts and then make everyone smell it and tell him how great he is for overcoming no problems and launching to success in a totally level flight that stupid smug cockmagumbling douchegrenade. Ive totally forgotten where I was going with this. But on a related note, Ive discovered the Black Eyed Peas hits become much more tolerable when theyre not played constantly. I can stand being told to do it 30-50 times in a couple minutes, as long as Im not told to do it 30-50 times in a couple minutes 30-50 times per day.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:34:09 +0000

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