Loki: Mischief Erased Attacked! Part 2 Loki stood up and - TopicsExpress


Loki: Mischief Erased Attacked! Part 2 Loki stood up and walked over. Coulson hid the case when it looked like Loki was going to take it, but the god glared at him, and just examined it. “I presume this was found when Howard Stark was trying to locate Captain Icicle over there,” Loki said, thumbing at Steve, who made a rude sound. Tony Stark laughed at Loki’s quip and studied the Tesseract himself. “This needs to be locked up-” Loki started to say, but that was when there was an explosion in the vents and the room started to fill with smoke. Iria drew her blade and Tony Stark’s mask came down. Loki waved his hand and the smoke cleared away from him. He saw Coulson holding the Tesseract in its case. He could take it. Take the Tesseract and disappear, finish what he had started, and still adjust reality the way he wanted it to. But a gnawing, guilty feeling in Loki’s stomach, stopped him. “Oh crap!” he said as he grabbed Coulson and shoved him under the table with the Tesseract. “Protect the Tesseract at all costs!” Fury said. The smoke continued to be a hindrance to them as they tried to see what had caused the explosion. “Sir, all security systems are shutting down, and the lights-” one technician started to say, but that was when darkness filled the entire hellicarrier. There were windows in that room, so there was some light, but not really enough. “And that’s my cue!” Tony Stark said from inside his helmet. “Mercenary coward!” Steve hissed and Stark would have given him a snarky retort, if Loki had not entered his mind at that moment. “You are not leaving,” Loki said. “I am not leaving,” Tony repeated and everyone gave him a weird look. “You are staying and helping us with this attack.” “I am staying and helping you with this attack.” “If you were to leave, you would be more of a dick than you already are.” “If I were to leave, I would be more of a dick than I already am.” This last statement made many people laugh and they all looked at Loki. When he realized that he was the center of attention, he shrugged. “What? He would,” he stated with a smirk. “Make him repeat something else,” Barton said. Loki opened his mouth to oblige, but that was when the whole hellicarrier shook and suddenly, everyone had the same feeling in the pits of their stomachs. The kind of feeling you get when you’re on a ride that takes you up, holds you, and then drops you. “I’m pretty sure these things fall out of the sky every other week,” Loki said as they hellicarrier began to plummet. Natasha ran over to the computers and began to do something really strange with the controls. Inside his suit, Tony accessed the mainframe of the hellicarrier and began to turn things back on. Loki looked back to where Coulson was under the table, but his heart sank when he saw that he was not there. After glancing around, Loki saw legs sticking out from underneath a table. Walking over, he found Coulson unconscious and the Tesseract missing. Loki racked his brain and remembered exactly what had brought the Avengers together the first time. Him killing Coulson. “Maybe you’ll forgive me for this,” Loki said, right before he shoved the scepter’s blade into Coulson’s chest. He pulled it out quickly and cleaned the blood off of it. The Other was going to take the fall for it. Loki stood up and surveyed the dark and misty area that was still the bridge. However, one pair of sharp and alert eyes caught his sneaky and wandering ones. Those eyes belonged to Iria of the Valkyrie!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 20:35:22 +0000

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