Looking For Peace Peter. A boy of fourteen years old, Was so - TopicsExpress


Looking For Peace Peter. A boy of fourteen years old, Was so bitter with his life , It was a sad situation, He could not take it any more. His sixteen year old sister, had been raped by a group od boys, while girls watched, them they took pictures , witch they posted on line. When his sister seen these, she tried to take her life bu cutting her wrist , Peter had found her he quickly dialed for help then put pressure on the cut till help came, Though he saved her life, nether she nor his parents seemed to think he had did the right thing. The Parents refused to let the daughter come home, They blamed her for encouraging the boys This Peter knew was not so, he did not know what was used but he heard of thgings that could be placed in a drink , to make a girl see willing For a time he considered killing the boys and the girls, As the law was now involved , He changed his mind, Their Parents were even more angry at their daughter, often saying to Peter you should of let her die Peter tried to understand, also for the sake of His little sister , he felt he had to stay for her sake, Then the we girl became ill, Peter tried to help her,when he found he could not he begged his parents to take her to the hospital, they refused, Then came the day Peter found the we girl unconscious, He Caried her to a neighbors, Then called an ambulance , It was to late , she died in his arms on the trip to the hospital. Now Peter was leaving, Not to stay with an other no hev was heading into the hills, he would live a lone, He had gathered up some things he felt he needed, he had his rifle , and his fishing lines hooks and baits, He had a tent, though he decided not to take, He did take a couple blankets a small tarpaulin some pots, and knives to cook with, Some matches, also a lighter flints and fuel, a small amount of food, though there was very little in the house there was lots of boozes he chose a small flask, he did not drink but realized it may be good for some thing, Peter had some money, though not a lot, it was money he earned mowing lawns and helping in gardens, Still he did not buy a thing He headed out of town following the river for a ways, then he turned towards the hills Peter was searching for a sheltered place that he could spend the night It was drawing close to sundown when he found the waterfall, it was a small fall with a small clear pool of water at the base,it came out of the hill about twenty feet above and spread out about six feet were it hit the pool There was a strange not nice smell coming from some were close by. Peter was a bout to turn a way, as he was thirsty he tasted the water, he found it cold and sweet, better by far than any he had ever tasted, As he turned to look around he spied a shadow on the side of hill that looked like it mite be a hole or cave, As he moved closer the bad smell seemed to be coming from the cave,Yes it turned out to be a cave, or what can be called a chimny as it had an opening at a very high point. Laying just inside the door was a young dog or wolf, Peter was never to know just witch, At first peter thought it dead, as it smelt so bad, then he saw it move. At first Peter was a fraid to mgo near, He so hated se any thing suffer, so with caution he went up to it and looked, it had been shot, the animal had a festering wound most of the way up it side, It made no move when Peter knelt down and looked closer at the festering sore. Peter went to his pack, and got the flask of whiskey also some peroxide he had swiped from home. Slowly with the whiskey he cleaned the wound, then he cleansed it more with peroxide , he then with a scissors he brought trimed the hair aroud the sore and taped it as best he could All this time the dog had only growled a couple times, when Peter5 finished he went to the falls and brought back some water, witch he set by the dogs head, immediately the dog drank Next Peter decided to clean out the cave , so with some cedar branches he swept it clean, then making a bed for the dog out of cedar branches, He moved the dog on to them , the dog did whimper but never tried to bite Next Peter built a fire under the chimney place, it burnt clean no smoking, then he brought more bows to make a bed for him self the cedar had a nice smell and soon there was no bad smell Then he decided to have a bite to eat, he shared some of his lunch with the dog who eat it Hungary, then he took the blankets and for the first night since he had found his sister bleeding he slept soundly. The sound of the fall and the breathing of the dog were peace to his ears In the morning he awoke with some one licking his face, his friend the dog was sharing his bed Now Peter knew he must find some thing more to eat, he had but two sandwich left some tea some oat meal and sugar, He shared the sandwich with the dog, who ate it quickly and looked for more, Peter did not like to kill, so he decided for today any way to go do some fishing, as the falls run off led to a near by stream Peter soon had six nice fat trout and the same in Jacks, the Jacks(northern Pike) were hitting as fast as he could bring them in so he soon stopped, He had lots for himself and the dog for two days, they would keep by placing in a bag in the pool Later he mite try to bag a rabbit or two that or grouse was about all they could eat before it spoiled Slowly Peter began to feel better, his hatred was gone, Oh he knew he would always hate what was doine to his sister, still he no longer thought about killing when he thought of her, Slowly the dog. Peter decided it must be a dog, the dog was getting well now it walked beside Peter, were ever he went, In time it would leave him but always returned. Then came the day it returned with a rabbit, The rabbit was dead but was not chewed up or damaged soon the dog did most of the hunting, Peter refused to share the mice the dog brought back As the days went by Peter thought of his sister,He wished she could be here with him, he often dream t that some how he could bring her here, He had no idea were she was or how to contact her, Time went on Slowly Peter grew in height, filled out in weight, clothes were no longer a good fit, It had come time to go back for clothes, no not to stay this was now home he would just go get a coup;e shirts and pants then return He just mite try find his sister but he had little hope. On the way back to town Peter marked the way, the dog was with him but often tried to turn him back, Peterwas not allowed to take the dog into a store,He hated to leave him out side, but knew he must so he left his pack telling the dog to watch, the dog sit beside it and no one dared touch it Peter was choosing his clothes when a lady he knew from the childrens aid that had taken his sister, was buying clothes to At first Peter did not know if he should speak, He wanted to find his sister so he ask her if she remembered him, he had to tell her his name, then he ask about his sister, The lady said, your sister is not doing well it possible you may be able to help her, but were do you live now you were reported missing six monthes a go , Peter said I live on the mountain with a friend, I like to take Sally there with me, it so peaceful and quiet. The Lady answered you may be right, when do you have to leave for back. Peter to day I hope, she said let me make a phone call. In twenty minutes she came back, and told Peter. His sister would be brought there inside an hour if he could wait, Peter said yes but wanted wait out side with his dog so no one harmed it And so Sally came to meet Peter, when Peter saw her he was not sure she could walk the distance,But they cold maybe rest for the night along the river Witch they did, for a time it seemed that Sally did not know Peter, she did all he ask and that night it was chilly but she did not complain , they were three days reaching the falls Sally slept for more than a full day after they did reach the cave, Slowly there became a change in Sally, she first began to hum or sing softly to her self, Her Apatite grew she loved fish and grouse, they also found other plants they could eat,it was a month before she started to talk to Peter, he did not mind he knew she was healing, The dog peter had never named Sally named Kim after their baby sister It became Sally’s dog, One could see they loved each other One full year they spent healing on the peace filled mountain, Then they returned to the Town they Left With help from the lady Who had helped Sally and Peter They helped organize a camp at the place they found peace Bill ©Mar 29 2014
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 17:51:17 +0000

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