Looking back on what I said , all the hopes and dreams I have, - TopicsExpress


Looking back on what I said , all the hopes and dreams I have, I’ve come 2 the coclusion tht, if having things turn out the way u wanted thm to, is a measure of successful life…….. then some would say “ I’m a failure.” The important thing is, not to be bitter over life disappointments. Learn to let go of the past and recognize that every day won’t be suny. N wen u find yourself lost in the darkness of despair, rember, tht it’s only in the blak of nit tht u can see th stars. n those stars wil lid u back home. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes, so stumble and fall, bcz most of the time, the greatest rewards come frm doing the things that scare u the most for, maybe you’ll get more than u ever cld hav imagined. Who knows where life could take you….The road is long, and in the end, the journey is the destination. You know, it’s been said that we jst don’t recognize the moments of our lives while they’re happening. We grw co placement with ideas or things or pple n we take them for granted. And it’s usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you, that you realize hw wrong you’ve bin , that you realize how much you rily nid it, how much u lov it. Do not luk bck n grieve over the past, for it is gone!! And do not be troubled about the future, for it is yet to come. Live in the present, n make it so butiful tht it wil b worth remembering. I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.  Forgive when you have been wrongd and rember u were born 1 n death will always come once Remember it is in the brave mans home that pple stand to point hands at ruins i the brave mans compound saying thare lived a Brave man u wil nevr miss the water until the wel runs dry and you wil nevr knw what u hav bin missng until u gt it Nevr hate someone coz he/ she let u dwn may b it ws nevr meant 2 b take it as a learning xperince n pray 2 lrd to guide n prtct so that 1day u gt 1 meant 4 u.if at a time u lovd sombody bt let u dwn dnt cry bt b hapy tht lov grew in u
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 21:55:27 +0000

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