Lord I thank you because you taught me how to SERVIVE though out - TopicsExpress


Lord I thank you because you taught me how to SERVIVE though out the year. When I couldnt understand why the lack, in income, my car and stolen you brought it back in 4 days, the Supernatural lights you reveal to me the funnel cloud, food when I had none, the only two people that showed up when I desperately had a need was my sister at first then my twin and his wife, No One Else showed up. When I was confused you send apostle Bishop pastor evangelist teachers to my aid to give me council, you spoke to me throughout my ordeal, when I was in sin or repented you were there, through storms. Trials, testing fire you were there, and recently when you finally made me clean the whole house to prepare for 2015 you were there. You released me back in December 1.2013 you ordained me twice when I was ignored, you answered my biggest prayer to help usa turn around, you were in the front lines and screaming and kicking and pulling and hiding for I was ignorant, confused, unsmart, out of line, you were there, when many taught for this or that God wont be there or answer You, you out did yourself because of mercy, compassion grace, and love you have for us, You were there. I always wanted a friend, I always wanted a relationship, I always felt like others in the bible two shall walk together, But God, taught me how to servive in Him only. Thats my prayer this is my thanks to You Trinity in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I thank you. Thank you for my prayer partner Glenda Likeliving Thiskindalife and encouraging words from Beverly Adams, Arnita Kyles Black Sabiena Abrahams continue to poke, to name a few, you know who was in and who was out. I am a servant to all, as You came down not to be served but to serve, I try to follow you and learn to be more like You, I enjoy and want what you blessed the men and women of God in the bible, I asked as how You were with them be with me, in Jesus name, these words came from my heart You see that Lord Jesus. Amen, now bring on 2015, for I will servive in Him.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:48:27 +0000

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