Lori and Jim Williams were taking members of their class horseback - TopicsExpress


Lori and Jim Williams were taking members of their class horseback riding and Loris horse threw her. She cracked several ribs and has a small puncture on her left lung and some pooled blood in there. She bruised her heart and spleen, causing some fluid build up around the heart. The spleen has a laceration, but has not ruptured. She also broke a bone up near her left shoulder, and fractured the C7 vertebrae. The Celiac disease and allergies to morphine and codeine hasnt made it easy for the doctor. Lori doesnt react well to Tylenol, either. After the fall, she had to walk quite a distance, as the fall occurred way out in the boonies, where the 4-wheel drive couldnt get. Uphill over rocks, etc. With a man on each side and Jim putting his hand on her back from behind, she walked a long way back and then survived the long bumpy truck ride to BSA hospital, where they had to transfer her to the trauma unit at Northwest Texas Hospital. She says that they are counting their blessings, though. She says, Not only do I have all my teeth, but I narrowly escaped getting my head stepped on by the horse, landing on some mean-looking cactuses, or hitting my head on a rock! Thats pretty good, considering I landed on my face. She was able to shower this morning (she arrived day before yesterday with a face and hair full of dirt!) She is doing MUCH better now, and expects them to let her go home today. Please - email only - no phone calls. She needs rest. She is under strict orders to take it super super super SUPER easy for the next six weeks so the spleen wont rupture or develop a cyst. Again - email only - no phone calls, please. Let her rest.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 04:58:56 +0000

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