Love is at the very heart of life. It may not always feel that - TopicsExpress


Love is at the very heart of life. It may not always feel that way when things are hard but if we didnt somehow know that love was the center we would never fight so hard to get back to it when we are suffering. Life will provide us times when we feel and fully experience our stark separateness or aloneness. It is during these times that we feel the most empty or far out of the reach of love. To feel disconnected like this is shattering, but remember that it is only a feeling (all feelings are temporary) and not a reality because your original state of being is love. It is during these alone times in life that we have no one else to turn to but ourselves. It is in these moments where we have to learn to connect to our own source of love. We always forget that all the love that we feel inside is love that is generated from within us, so if we can give it to others we have to learn to give it to ourselves as well, It may be a different feeling experience giving it to ourselves than it is to give it to others, but when you learn to nurture yourself you only become a better nurturer of others. Pain is our greatest teacher because without it we would never grow as much or as expansively as we do when we are in it. Pain makes us creative warriors and at the end of the day we always come through to the other side. Just be you. Love you. Take care of you. That is where your happiness begins.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:00:01 +0000

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