Love story No.7 Me & My Ex Actually its my own love story. I - TopicsExpress


Love story No.7 Me & My Ex Actually its my own love story. I never thought i would write it here. This is my first time writing my story on PD. Forgive me if something goes wrong. This story is 100% true. I will only change the names to something else! Me – Sonia My Ex- Sahil His Second Gf – Kate His Third Gf – Debby The Story Begins … I was a normal girl, with big dreams within my eyes. Waiting for Mr. Perfect to come one day and take me away with him. I had lots of friends both girls and boys, they all use to pamper me cuz i was the youngest amongst them. One day around 5 Oclock in the afternoon i was talking to one of my best friends on Msn. As usual we were talking about random things and exchanging notes for homework when she suddenly added someone in the convo. I was confused and she introduced us to each other. He then added me on my msn and started talking, then i found out we both go to the same school and his one of my friends friend. Then we started talking everyday, cracking jokes and asking each other questions about ourselves. This went on for like a month or so and we got to know each other properly. I told him everything about me n he told me everything about himself. He asked me if i ever say him before, i didnt lie and i said no cause i never paid attention then he said he saw me during lunch time sitting on the stairs with my friends, with my hair open and the breeze touching my face slightly. As any girl would, i felt shy and i keep developing feelings for him day by day cuz he was the sweetest guy on earth. Everyday at school we use to look at each other n smile and sometimes gaze into each other’s eyes for hours during lesson times. A few months passed like dis and then he asked me for my mobile number, to my suprised n Happiness ofcourse, i gave it to him without any delay, because by that time, i fell in love with Sahil . He touched my heart so deeply that i could only think about him.. After giving him my number he called me and we spoke for hours.(ofc i was blushin when i was on the phone) i dont even need to mention that . Then he was like my daily dose. Without his goodnight kisses through the phone ofcourse and wake up calls i wouldn’t sleep or wake up. We got closer n closer to each other day by day. 5 months passed and we were both in love with each other. He asked me out and no1 could have expressed my feeling at that time. I was the happiest person on earth cause the person i love, loves me bak . He then called me one night saying we sud go on a date somewhere. I said yes we should and we will decide the place in school. The next day in school he was standing with his friend during lunch time n i was sitting on a wall thing with my friends. His friend kept telling him to come tlk 2 me but he was shy. (i forgot to mention he was SHY.. very shy). The bell strts ringing and we both went to our classes. And we were supposed to meet outside school that day after school. As soon as last lesson finished i packed up my books n pens and walked out the class. i was excited to meet him for the first time after he asked me out. As i walked out the classroom, the whole class came out heading outside for some fresh air after some boring lesson. I heard someone shouting from outside so i rushed out to see whats happening. I saw 2 gangs of boys argueing. One gang was my friends(boys) including sahil and the other gang was from another year. Sahil’s group had only 5 boys and the other gang has 11. I rushed their sides to see whats really happening and then one boy from the other gang took his chain off n hit Shahil on his face. (if i had a knife, i wud hve killed him right der). And then another boy from the other gang strted punching one of my friend(boy). And then a big fight started. Sahil would never back off a fight so when he got hit, he punched back and they started fighting. Watching him fight scared me a LOT. i was very protective over him and couldnt see him get hurt. right infrnt of me there was a wooden table with nails at the bottom. While watching him fight, i duno hw i grabbed the tabled and the nails stabbed me. I didnt realise i was bleedin as i was too busy watching the fight between sahil and the other guy The teachers came(Very late) and they tried to stop the fight but one of the male teachers got hit in the face. that was funny to watch even though at that time nothing seemed funny.. 4 teachers managed to stop the fight and by that time Sahil was bleeding because he got hit on the head. They were taking him inside and he walked passed me touching my fingered. He saw my tears n wiped them off and he went with the teachers. They called the ambulance and took him hospital. I tried calling him in the night but he didnt pick up, he was asleep . I thought i wud let him sleep and see him the next day if he comes in and Tadaaaa there he was the next morning. Safe & Sound. I was happy to see him back in school but there was a bruise on his hed. That day we met after school, hands in hands we were walking and talking on the road. We didnt know where to go because we didnt want to go where there were too much people, so we decided to go sit in the park to talk and cuddle. Arriving at the park, we sat down next to a tree talking about the fight and he sed that i shouldn’t hurt myself like that and then i told him i didnt realise i was bleeding but when i got home i bandanged my hand. He kissed my hand saying your mine dont ever hurt yourself cause that will hurt me. And then i kissed his bruise on his head and said the same thing and he smiled. And then he told me im his first gf ever cause he never found any other girl that he could go out with, they were all either annoying or Sl***y. And he said i was perfect for him. And den he said “I Love You” < these were the words i was waiting for. My whole world lighted up and ofcourse i said “I Love You Too”. && we then shared our first kiss That was the most wonderful experience in my life. For the first time i felt butterflies in my tummy while kissing. I felt the chemistry and i felt something that i cant describe. From that moment i knew it was Him! it was him that i want. I was ready to leave everything for him but he wasnt selfish. He was a normal boy with big ambitions. We were then talking about our dream jobs. He wanted to become a Pilot or air traffic controller and i wanted to work in the airport. we both wanted to work at the same place coincidentally. Then he said he would drop me home as it was too late and i said ok and he dropped me near my house. And then he went home. 4 Months passed.. everything was going on fine.. we were both happy with each other and were very much in love. nothing changed. I could still feel the magic when he held my hands. But that was my point of view. i didnt know his view changed after 4 months. He strted behaving weirdly. Everytime we had to meet up he would make an excuse and not come. And then one day we were ment to meet up at the bus stop, i went after school and he sent his friend telling me he cant make it sorry. Things started breaking apart. My life had no meaning without him by my side. I didnt kno what was wrong, but i decided to give him a little space and time. Then maybe he will be able to decide something. 2 days later. i was sitting on a bench in school, waiting for my friends as it was lunch time. I saw a girl(a distant friend) coming my way. She sed hi how r you and that and said she wanted to talk to me. I was confused but listened. She sat next to me saying Sahil said that this relationship won’t work and you should call it off. She walked off… As she walked off.. My heartbeat wanted to stop. My eyes filled with tears and i couldnt say one word. I was trying to call her but my voice was stuck, and i strted having flashbacks of our relationship. From the strt to the end. I then remembered my parents who i love a lot and sed to myself that i need to be strong. I wiped da tears and at the same time my mates came and we all went lunch. deep inside my heart was broken in million pieces but i had to put a smile on my face. But my eyes kept tearing up and i kept wiping it. In the lunch hall.. everyone was buying food except frm me. (i cnt even think about food right now) i didnt feel like i could eat anything. he walks in the lunch, even though i had my back to the door, i could feel he was there. His eyes were on me, he was curious to know how i was. I didnt care and i didnt turn back to look at him. He walks passed me and stands against the wall infrnt of me and keeps staring at me. (i wished at that time i could control my tears) but i couldnt, he saw my tears, my red eyes, my red face and messed up hair. He wanted to come talk to me but couldnt. because my friends were there, and none of my close friends knew that me n sahil were going out. Only 2 of his friends knew and that girl that came up to me to tell me about the break up. I looked up and my eyes met his. I was shocked to see he had tears as well. Y was he crying? he broke up with me! then why is are his eyes red? He wanted to talk to me. He wanted to come near me but his friend stopped him and he went outside. End of the day i went home after school, as soon as i got home i broke down completely. I was on the floor in my room crying. My parents were not home. I skipped dinner saying i ate something after school and cried on the floor and slept there itself. Back to school, we look at each other but we dont talk. i ignored him because i was too broken to even ask any questions. I didnt want to know anything and he never tried to tell me either. Our relationship had ended. only memories we left. some good ones n some bad ones. i jus had to live with it. 3 months went by and we strted talking on msn again. He said sorry, his friends told him i was cheating on him. (so he doesnt ask his gf he jus breaks up wid her?) anyway, i forgave him and he sed we need to work on our relationship. I agreed because i loved him even though i was heart broken. the next week he was going on a geography trip to isle of whight with his class. He said bye to me and went. I was eagerly waiting for his return cause i wanted to tell him i still love him but then before i could do that something BIG happened. one of my bestfriend also went on that trip and she called me in the night talking about usual things and then she says she got new news. What she told me shattered my whole completely. She said sahil is going out with kate. He asked her out today. My bestfriend didnt kno i loved sahil and that i went out with him. I hanged up the phone n started crying because i thought we were going to work on our broken relationship but now he’s going out with kate? The trip came to an end and they were all returning back to london. When he got back he spoke 2 me on msn and noticed that i was upset! (who wouldn’t be???) He asked me the reasons y i was behaving weirdly but i didnt say anything and he realised what was wrong and told me he already broke up with kate on the way back to London because he never liked her, his friends forced him to ask her out. and then i decided to only be friends with him for a while till everything goes back to normal and he agreed. We were good friends before and we can stil be friends. I hid my feelings so it doesnt ruin our friendship. A few months went by and one day he asked me if debby suits him? I was shocked n confused cause ofcourse i loved him. I said no because they didnt suit for real. He laughs it off and admits he likes her . I couldnt type anything after that i was too shock to hear it. I couldnt believe it I asked him if he really means it and he says yes and he wants to know how she is because debby was my friend He then started asking me questions about her and how she is? I told him everything honestly and didnt lie about her. And debby was one of the biggest flirt i knew so i also told him that and he didnt really believe it. One week later he asked her out!!! I found 2 days later that they were going out and he didnt tell me about it, few of my friends found and debby herself told me.(debby never knew about me and sahil). She was not very happy because she didnt even like him but yet went out with him. She liked another boy but he had a girlfriend.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 01:30:03 +0000

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