Lucius Sulla... I think I will reserve my place on this "list". I - TopicsExpress


Lucius Sulla... I think I will reserve my place on this "list". I suspect this will do the trick. ________________________________ We have several instances of damning whistleblower allegations which seem ready to turn the Benghazi investigation on its ears. Let us examine these in closer detail. The first whistleblower in this sordid affair presented the possibility that the Obama Administration had covertly arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens in an October surprise. The goal of this plot was for the successful negotiation of the release of Ambassador Stevens. The Muslim Brotherhood was to kidnap the ambassador as a ransom for the release of the Blind Sheik. We cannot know what the resolution was supposed to be – only that Ambassador Stevens was to be “saved” by the Obama Administration. Considering what we now know regarding the massive conservative voter suppression that was underway at the IRS it seems an even greater implausibility that this was the intended purpose. Simply stated the Obama regime had little need of an October surprise. They already had strong suspicions of how the election was going to turn out. With that said it is reasonable to suspect an element of truth to this option. We can assume truth as the kidnap option successfully satiated the “hunger for truth” in a segment of the population. However, it is a more practical premise that what the whistleblower had actually witnessed was the intentional planning of an assault on the compound for the express purpose of capturing and executing Ambassador Stevens. As we mentioned earlier – the intentional whistleblower will never have all of the facts. They will be dispatched with just enough truth to segment the population. With that said the natural question becomes the severity of the actual premise behind the assault. How can we know that Ambassador Stevens was to be executed? We shall discuss this in a moment. The second group of whistleblowers presented information that indicts the State Department in a failed plot to retrieve anti-aircraft missiles. According to this narrative the State Department was running a Libyan “Fast and Furious” operation to the Syrian rebels. The overwhelming nature of these allegations has set the Republic alight with controversy. First – the prospect that the State Department is capable of such incompetence is well within the scope of reality. I dare say that few are surprised by such a revelation. With that said it is reasonable to expect that there is great truth to these allegations. Notice the increasing nature of the whistleblower revelations. How many people have picked up this football and ran for the goal line? These allegations have effectively sidelined yet another segment of the truth seeking population. A quick examination of the whistleblower revelations are in order. We are being told that the State Department was attempting to reacquire anti-aircraft missiles from the Syrian rebels and they would have none of it. That is what led to the assault in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012. Given that the Assad Regime has successfully deployed his air forces against the rebels it is reasonable to assume truth in this possibility – especially given that Assad is now being reinforced by the Russians. However, when looked at through the larger picture a much more disturbing image appears. Consider what we are speaking about – anti-aircraft missiles. While the Syrian Air Force is certainly problematic for the rebels there is an even greater threat on the horizon – Israel. Understand that Israel possesses one of the most effective and lethal air war machines on earth. This is an air force that is built upon the very best of U.S. war technology – the same technology that has delivered virtual air superiority to the Untied States in every theater in which we operate. It is a technological superiority which will require more than even the Russians can provide. It will require U.S. technology to stop U.S. technology. This is at the very heart of what occurred in Benghazi. The State Department was absolutely supplying missiles to the Syrian rebels – to be deployed in guerilla units against the Israeli Air Force during the coming Russian / Arab invasion of Israel. Consider what will happen to the Syrian civil war once the United States precipitates a full scale war between Damascus and Jerusalem. There is an old adage – the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Care to take a stab at which two enemies will find a common bond in battle? Take a good look at the borders between Israel, Syria and Jordan. The U.S. anti-aircraft missiles can be deployed within range of every Israeli Air Force installation. All it will take are a few terrorist cells with the hardware. By the way – when the deployments of these missiles are joined with the capabilities of a newly reinforced Egyptian Air Force (with advanced U.S. F-16 fighters) it becomes clear that Israel is the ultimate target. We now have a scenario where Egyptian air power strikes from the south, Syrian air power strikes from the north (now reinforced with Russian Mig’s) and “militia units” deployed along Israel’s eastern border with the worlds most advanced anti-aircraft missiles. Israel is now isolated in a three part vice that stands ready to annihilate her air power. It should be considered that the Obama Administration has been virtually bullet proof when it comes to arms deals and scandals. There is absolutely no reason that they should fear public perception over the prospect of “running guns” to yet another group of rebels. Considering what they did to Fox, the AP and many other truth seeking efforts it is easy to see that they had a contingency plan. However, what if there was a darker motive at work? What if it was to be learned that Ambassador Stevens was deployed to deliver a back-door deal or confirmation that must never find the light of day? I offer that the evidence supports only one conclusion – the Obama Administration has secretly green-lighted the full scale escalation of war against Israel. This is why Ambassador Stevens must not be allowed to live. It is the last piece of evidence that seals the fate of the world. Did you know that there is no such thing as an accidental word in politics? What this means is that every word uttered by a politician is calculated – precisely calculated. How many of you remember this little dance: it depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is? Wasn’t that fun my friends? That was a lesson in politaspeak 101. There are NO accidental words in Washington – ever. I keep going back to the Benghazi hearings. There is one statement that keeps replaying in my mind – “who ordered the stand-down”. We heard every conceivable concoction of this phrase from both sides of the isle and virtually everyone that testified. We were left with the same indelible answer – “I don’t know”. We were left with an undeniable impression that repeated requests to assist the Ambassador were declined. This is a terrible revelation in and of itself. It is a revelation that is completely false. There was an interesting story of Fox News several months ago which spoke about the security of our embassies and ambassadors. It was a story that I have seen only once. It is a story that should have led to the fall to the Administration – yet no one seems to have connected the dots. The story revealed that all of our embassies and ambassadors have written response plans in place in case of events such as those in Benghazi. This story has never made the light of day since it was originally aired. Here is why: When we speak of a response plan we are actually speaking of a set of pre-authorized orders that allow the military to respond WITHOUT consulting the White House first. Every major U.S. mission abroad has a similar set of written response orders. What remains important is that these are the standing orders – authorized by the Nation Command Authority – should our most valuable assets come under attack. That would include the Ambassador the Libya as this is one of the most critical foreign missions that the U.S. currently finds itself involved in. What these pre-authorized orders accomplish is the timely response of our military forces in order that lives are saved. Each set of such orders will detail the commands responsible for the execution of the orders. All that is required is the authorization of consular rank dignitary (Ambassador) or the determination of the commander for which the responsibility of the orders shall fall to. Stated differently – these pre-authorized orders allow a myriad of two and three star flag officers (Generals and Admirals) to authorize the use of force without consulting the White House first. They would initiate rescue operations concurrent with informing the National Command Authority. Such a decision would rest in their authority due to the pre-authorization orders. So that everybody is on the same page the National Command Authority starts and ends with one man – the President of the United States. Here is where we find the terrible truth to all of this. When politicians speak we must consider their words with the greatest of scrutiny. It is in their words that we must glean the truth of this matter. Recall that the operative statement on the Hill is “who ordered the stand down?” There is a reason that this question has been phrased in such a manner. To order a stand down tells us that an actual order was issued to countermand all standing orders. No – the White House did not simply decline a cry for help from Ambassador Stevens as we have been quietly led to assume. To the contrary – a new and terrible order HAD to be issued to render the standing order null and void. Such an order can only come from an authority beyond the scope of the original orders. Stated differently, a private cannot override the orders of a general. Only a general can override a general – and it must be a higher ranking general to do so (or a general of greater given authority). Understand that a Cabinet Secretary cannot issue such an order but by the hand of the President. There is only one authority higher than consular or flag rank: the President of the United States. Only he could have issued specific orders to murder a sitting U.S. Ambassador. Soon the entire world shall burn for his desires. Lucius Sulla
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 00:18:27 +0000

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