MAHUMBWE (kids play) vs HOLLYWOOD - Growing up I wnted 2 b the - TopicsExpress


MAHUMBWE (kids play) vs HOLLYWOOD - Growing up I wnted 2 b the father during this hollywood CAREER in ACTING life,Sm enjoyed playing the DOG ,sm playing the MAID & some being car drivers.When I went 2 primary xool I ws given my maiden role as n ACTOR in this biblical story Good Samaritan. It portrayed a man walking on the Road & ws attacked with Robbers stripping him of his clothes.A priest & Levite cm & passed by on either side avoiding the injured man @ diff tym intervals.Then cm a Samaritan who had a donkey. He attended 2 him,NURSING his wounds & went with him 2 n INN 4 further help.The next dae he left the PATIENT in the care of the Inn promising 2 PAY an medical BILLS tht wud accrue during his healing. Sometimes in LIFE we see a WRONG & we decide 2 MIND OUR OWN business when sm1 is in PAIN or DYING.Like the Levites & priests we DO wnt our clothes 2 b soiled with BLOOD(other pples problems) instead we enjoy goin on with life.We enjoy protecting our IMAGE in the eyes of the World,we are AFRAID 2 bcm a LATECOMER @church. Being a Christian does not mean we are PERFECT bt we GROW in perfection. It feels nice 2 copy Christ BUT it is great 2 live the life of Jesus Christ in U.May the dear LORD give us a new heart tht enjoy 2 lead the life his WORD teach us nJesus name Amen :)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 08:40:17 +0000

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