MAKING EVERY DROP COUNT DURING THIS DRY SEASON Singapore has been in the dry phase of the Northeast Monsoon since mid January and this dry weather condition is likely to continue into the first half of March. The impact of this dry weather is evident – all over the island, we are seeing more dried-up grass lands. It is a strong reminder to us how important water is. Over the past 40 years, PUB has made major investments to diversify our water supply sources and strengthen our water security. Today, the Four National Taps – local catchment water, imported water, NEWater and desalinated water – provide a more robust and sustainable water supply. In particular, desalination and NEWater are more resilient against dry weather. Today, NEWater and desalination can meet up to 30% and 25% of our water needs respectively. PUB has been running its desalination and NEWater plants at close to full capacity during this dry period. We have also been injecting NEWater into the reservoirs to keep the water stock at healthy levels. Ensuring a healthy water stock is important, but conserving water is also critical. You can do your part to bring down Singapore’s water consumption during this dry period. Each of us can help to save precious litres of water by taking very small steps. You can save 9 litres of water each time you: - take 1 minute less in the shower - wash dishes in a container instead of under a running tap - use a tumbler instead of leaving the tap running when you brush your teeth - wash clothes on a full load To do more, you can also: - carry out washing activities only when necessary - reuse water for non-potable uses whenever possible More importantly, you can also cut down on unnecessary and non-essential water consumption during this time. For instance washing of cars can be minimised and the amount of water we save will help stretch our water resources longer. Water your plants only when necessary (do so in the early morning or late evening (before 7am and after 7pm) to minimise evaporation losses). Please share these tips with your friends and family. Together we can make every drop count.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:23:00 +0000

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