MALAGA WEATHER UPDATE Saturday 19th July 2014: Good morning - TopicsExpress


MALAGA WEATHER UPDATE Saturday 19th July 2014: Good morning all......Before we steam into your weather for today I would just like to address something of a question that arose of late.....We had some fine photos posted the other day of some cloud formations and in that thread the chance of rain was mentioned.....Indeed, in yesterdays weather update it was advised that a chance of a band of rain was possible......Well, whether you like it or not, when we post this up its because there is exactly that.....a chance of rain did exist but fortunately or unfortunately, it missed us.....but only just.....that advancing cold front did indeed gather moisture enough to kick off some serious storms just over in Granada having passed right over us without drama, the lightening of which caused two reasonable forest fires!!!.....So, if you dont like me telling you there is a risk of rain thats fine by me, dont read the info and get your weather from elsewhere......simple!!!......So, on to todays weather.......We have, today, a significant weather system moving onto the Iberian Peninsular in the North West. Significant rain and storms are expected as far south as the Andalucian border but not into Malaga Province. However, we will see significant cloud cover today so that sun could go missing for a while.....As I write, the timeline for this large clump of cloud to pass over is that we arise to sunshine if you are up early enough, like me.....and yes, as I open the curtains and peer out of the window and scare the neighbours opposite, the sun is indeed shining.....but by 10am ish that cloud will be commencing its crossing of us, be well and truly covering most of us by early afternoon, and be completing its pass by late evening. It is highly likely that the coastal fringes keep the sun for far longer than inland areas but dont all run to the beach as we will tip over!!!......Its only for today and on the bright side it will aid the cooling process!!!......Now, listen up all ye lovers of the terrace cushions!!!.......This cloud is forecast to deliver us here in Malaga zero rain......nada......nothing......zilch......not a drop!!!......And if it thins, which it appears to be doing, then yes, I agree that no rain will fall. However, the mountains in Malaga plays tricks with air pressure and therefore cloud accumulation and therefore the condensing of moisture within those clouds so I would be very surprised if we dont get somebody in the group posting a spot of rain here and there so be prepared to do the cushion gathering run if need be!!!......And that brings us back to the opening part of this update today. We may not like the fact that it is feasible that rain can and will fall within Malaga Province in July and indeed August, but you have to accept that it can and will!!!........The weather system that is the cause will be gone tomorrow and normal sunny, windy, with odd fluffy bits service will resume and again we remain threat free across the coming week and, if taking into account the long range forecasts, right through into the beginning of August!!!.......But, this is the weather we are talking about and we continue that vigil on this aspect of this group!!!........However, much of Europe will be suffering for a few days from what is a major weather phenomina called a SPANISH PLUME!!!......It is very feared in weather circles and is often the cause of major disruption.....So what is a Spanish Plume???.......The Spanish Plume is a weather pattern in which a plume of warm air moves from the Iberian plateau or the Saharan North Africa up to northwest Europe giving rise to severe storms. This meteorological pattern can lead to extreme high temperatures and intense rainfall during the summer months with potential for flash flooding, damaging hail storms and tornadic formation.......Now we are not about to start forecasting for Europe, but the UK has already began suffering thunder storms and today much of the South of the UK is on Orange Alert for flooding. The attached graphic in the comments is todays official European Weather Warnings and it is likely that over the next three to four days much of Europe will see some significant weather!!!.....Our main photograph was a sattellite image from last night showing a large mass of cloud crossing France and pushing into the South East of the United Kingdom (the Isle of Weight is visible if the photo is disorientating!!!)........ Needless to say, please advise friends and family to check the National Weather Service of the country in Question. Only the respective National Weather Services can officially raise warnings!!!......Thats it again for today folks and I stress that the Spanish Plume does not affect us here and that todays cloud is merely a sweeping arm of a system hitting the North West of Spain......Regardless of the extent of the cloud cover today, it will not detract from the severe threat of wild fire. Yesterday INFOCA had to intervene in 8 incidents 3 of which were major fires in Andalucia whilst local brigades dealt with a vast number of small fires......we are sitting on a ticking time bomb and although we may have the rather odd person in this group that will take that as sensationalism, Im afraid its true!!!.....If Joe Public (that includes us here in this group) does not react quick to call the Emergency Services if a fire breaks out, major damage and possible loss of life could occur!!!......So I make no apologies for stating the obvious.....After all, serious risk assessment starts with taking the worst case scenario from an event that may or is likely to cause risk and stating the probable outcome!!!......Enjoy your day but above all KEEP VIGILANT......Jim Fraser for the Local Fire & Weather Watch Network!!!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 02:09:14 +0000

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