MARVEL PHASE 3| W/Black Panther BLACK PANTHER FILM - TopicsExpress


MARVEL PHASE 3| W/Black Panther BLACK PANTHER FILM ------------------------------ -------------------------------------- A review penned by Corey Logan Greenwald Editor in Chief of We Struck Magazine And Lead N. America News Rep. --------------------------------------- Black Panther from Marvel Studios l NOVEMBER 3rd, 2017 ---------------------------- If you havent heard by now, Marvel Entertainment has announced a BLACK PANTHER movie and the Black geek community has gone bonkers with virtual high-fives and backflips about the fact that theyre finally getting a big-budget superhero movie with a Black lead. Soon after? Its womens turn the mighty Ms. marvel (next article). I’ve never been a fan of the Black Panther (my favorite Black superhero from Marvel was Night Thrasher from the NEW WARRIORS) but I will definitely check out the movie when it is released. One of the unforeseen developments since the announcement of the film is the fear that this will overshadow the efforts of Black indie creators because the Black genre fans out there will have gotten what they’ve always wanted from the Marvel/DC entertainment machine: recognition. A prominent Black indie comics creator wrote: “Great for DC, great for Marvel... Its about time. But its only scratching the surface. There are so many talented creators out there who need support from the various comic book and film communities. How about we post more about them instead of giving so much more free advertisement to the ones who already have mega promotional vehicles?” And another wrote: “Will independent Black comics matter after Black Panther is released? They just released one image and a title treatment - and I see a giant M-shaped shadow eclipsing an entire movement.” And another: “What does it mean, really, that we are getting a BLACK PANTHER movie? I mean, not just a knee-jerk reaction, but for comic movies with Black characters in general? There are many ways this film could go wrong so fast, but with the proven track record of Marvel Studios, I have to have some form of confidence in their ability to show this character the dignity and respect he deserves ...what does having a film like this mean for the future?” If you’ve spent any time on Black geek Facebook groups, message boards or blogs, you’d see repeated demands for mainstream studios to validate the existence of established Black superheroes to the point where it comes off like begging. For the last five years you couldn’t see a post about a Marvel movie without seventy-five pages of speculation of whether or not there was an Easter egg hidden in the background that spoke to the existence of Wakanda (the home of Black Panther). This phenomenon has been problematic for the Black indie comic book creator because whenever we’ve attempted to provide a quality alternative for these fans – our efforts have been generally met with apathy, cold shoulders, misplaced aggression and an overall assumption that our work is going to be shitty. Worse, you’ll end up labeled as “bitter” or “angry” or “mad that nobody is buying what we’re selling.” *(Things people actually said to me). Last year, there was an article published from the SHADOW AND ACT website (which focuses on Black cinema worldwide) that discussed something called the “Devil’s Eye Syndrome” which was defined as: “…the deliberate critical rejection of Black independent film by Black spectators which manifests itself as a severe and bitter criticism of a Black independent film to the degree that no other commercial White studio film would be able to withstand nor would these Black spectators dare apply such ‘high standards’ to a White film.” If you swap out the word “film” and replace it with “comics” then you’d get a good idea of what I’m getting at here. I wrote a blog piece describing this as BLACK GEEK STOCKHOLM SYNDROME and it definitely applies. We’ve got at least two generations of Black geeks unwilling or incapable of giving Black indie comics a chance. Over the last few years Ive learned that the great majority of Black geeks/comic book readers arent really fans of COMIC BOOKS, theyre mainly fans of the Marvel/DC brands. They have zero interest in indie Black material and no matter what we do or say, it will not move them in our direction. There will always be that 5% that is willing to give our material a chance and we should make sure our product is top-notch for those folks who will support us. The solution is to start reaching out internationally. Ive begun to make connections with folks in the Caribbean and Asia because Black geeks in the U.S. have been hardwired since their youth to only accept Marvel and DC as viable means of graphic novel entertainment. It doesnt matter how horribly these fans are treated by Marvel and DC, it doesnt matter how few Blacks are hired behind the scenes, it doesnt matter how awful the storytelling is, these fans only want the same titles from the same sources regardless of quality. We have to keep creating and figure out ways to get a return on our investment. All the arguing, and pleading, and guerrilla marketing techniques have widely failed. Without a massive marketing budget for indie projects (because repetition of advertisements equals higher quality for those brainwashed by media) things arent going to change. A lot of people doesnt like the Black Panther and Storms marriage. I could even say most of them dont like the idea itself. They say it was rushed, not written well, prefers somebody else and now theyre not even seeing each other often. Black Panthers ongoing comics is cancelled. Storm joins the Avengers. Should Marvel give Black Panther an ongoing series? What of his connections to Storm, fan-favorite and awkward Halle Barre representing powers which, at least in the films, paled like a blood drained pig In comparison; and This time its gonna be titled: Black Panther and Storm: The Next Avengers! (End fanboy wishing and pandering.) From the fictional African country of Wakanda, where science meets magic more than Thor chugging ale at Tony Starks personal lab. In Wakanda, Vibranium a la Caps shield and more is mined. But Wakanda is a lockdown kinda place. Moreover, like his name; black panther is an animalistic powerhouse of subterfuge, close quarters combat, and even wielding dual pistols with deadly accuracy. Wanna know more about the black Panther? Stay tuned for more exciting breaking news from marvel and Kevin Feige. *NEXT TIME ON COREY COVERS MARVEL: Captain Marvel, the first female lead and upcoming film! ----------------------------------- A review penned by Corey Logan Greenwald Editor in Chief of We Struck Magazine And Lead N. America News Rep. ------------------------------------ We Struck website up soon! Wanna write movie, tv, video gama reviews and previews?! Always wanted to be a Blogger who gets thousands of readers? Look no farher! Http://facebook/dumbstruckwritinghouse Join us in facebook
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 10:46:29 +0000

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