MATHER BATTLES BACK Craig Mather showed he is not a pushover by - TopicsExpress


MATHER BATTLES BACK Craig Mather showed he is not a pushover by issuing a stirring response to news that certain chancers are targeting his job. Mather’s rebuke to the group seeking to oust him and Finance Director Brian Stockbridge along with Non-Executive Director Bryan Smart is a clear demonstration that he is a far more steely character than most take him for. The passion with which he defended both the board and his role at the club show that he may just be the leader Gers fans want and feel is required at Ibrox. Referring to those who want him removed as CEO, Mather was scathing. He said: “It doesn’t matter to them that they have not invested or helped the club, or that they failed to make even a remotely credible attempt to save this fantastic club in its darkest hours. “Not a single one of them stepped forward willing to invest their own money. Yet now they think they can waltz into the club. “This club needs commitment and unity. It does not require the type of people who stood back and did nothing when Rangers were in trouble.” Many Rangers fans also see the move to bring back Paul Murray as unwelcome and a return to days best left behind. Some are in favour and were excited at the thought of Jim McColl’s involvement, believing he would pump millions into the club. However, as reported by Martin Williams in The Herald, McColl has no intention of putting serious money Rangers way. This tends to back up Mather’s statement and indicates that the Murray-McColl group are just mischief-making. McColl’s aversion to investing in Rangers is well-known, as is his view that it is not a good business to invest in. Many of my readers would be shocked to the core to discover who else shares this view. I can also reveal that Kieran Prior along with Malcolm Murray held a conference call with Charles Green last week from broker Daniel Stewart’s office. They offered Green 35p per share for all of his shares and Charles replied that he would not sell the shares to KP for £50 per share because he was involved with Malcolm Murray. Prior must have got very chummy with Malcolm Murray in recent days because when he first appeared on the scene as a Rangers shareholder he claimed he hardly knew Murray. This may, of course mean, that Prior can be regarded as part of the Concert Party attempting to buy Rangers shares but it is for the likes of the Takeover Panel to judge, not this blogger. The sad thing this morning is that Rangers fans are waking up to stories of more turmoil and infighting at the club – all on top of another humiliating result for the team and an exit from one of the major competitions so early in the season. It is not a good thing for those who invested in the IPO last December to see the share price driven down. Nor does it help that The Herald is identifying Walter Smith as being sympathetic to the Murray-McColl group. This would effectively mean that Walter was plotting to undermine his own CEO and other board members. Walter can dispel this by an unequivocal statement backing Craig Mather and his board. This is the least we could expect from a Chairman loyal to his fellow board members. Rangers fans want unity, stability and success – not division, instability and failure. It’s time for those entrusted with stewarding this great club to deliver.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 12:34:55 +0000

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