MESSAGE FROM JUSTIN WALKER: We’ve all had enough & we’re - TopicsExpress


MESSAGE FROM JUSTIN WALKER: We’ve all had enough & we’re taking action! 2015 The year the New Battle of Britain begins! The year that ALL of us stand up to be counted! The year that Lawful Rebellion takes back our country from the traitors, criminals and paedophiles who have secretly and effectively infested our corridors of power! PART ONE The history we know….or think we know! Everyone knows the story of the Battle of Britain – how, in the late summer of 1940, Reich Marshall Goering’s much vaunted and feared Luftwaffe was humbled by an inferior number of Spitfires and Hurricanes of the Royal Air Force. The ‘few’ overcame the many and Hitler’s Operation Sea Lion, the planned Nazi invasion of Great Britain, had to be called off. However, not everyone knows about the part traitors or ‘Fifth Columnists’ played in the earlier collapse of much of Europe to fascism. The ease with which the Nazi jackboot was able to trample over the free peoples of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France was helped in no small measure by fascist sympathisers in those actual countries. But it was in Norway in the spring of 1940 that a new word entered into the English vocabulary – a word used to describe the very worst kind of traitor. Vidkun Quisling was a Norwegian politician who secretly plotted to subjugate free and democratic Norway into becoming no more than a vassal state under the full military protection and occupation of Nazi Germany. He established in the early 1930s a very minor political party called Nasjonal Samling which slowly developed its own form of National Socialism, including the need for the country to have a strong Fuhrer. But this was all too alien for the peace loving Norwegians and the party enjoyed virtually no popular support whatsoever at the polls. However, after two meetings with Hitler in Berlin, Quisling and his cronies secretly prepared the way for Germany to invade Norway. On April 9th 1940, Operation Weserübung, the ultimately successful invasion of Norway (and Denmark), began and the traitor Quisling was asked by Hitler to form what was in effect a puppet government completely under the Nazi yoke. The rest, as they say, is history. However, with Norway newly liberated by the Allies and Free Norwegians who never surrendered, on the 24th October 1945, after having been found guilty of high treason, Vidkun Quisling was executed by firing squad thus ending a very dark page in Norway’s history. A whole country had been laid low by well organised and deep-rooted treason – a lesson that we must all take to heart as we move forward to the momentous potential of 2015. Aware of what happened in Norway and elsewhere, Britain, in the summer of 1940, was awash with rumours of home grown ‘Fifth columnists’ or ‘Quislings’ seeking to distress and destabilise Britain’s will to resist alone the Nazi threat. Fortunately, the government of Winston Churchill took this threat extremely seriously and with a combination of ruthlessness, sound planning and intelligence, the authorities quickly arrested and interned all those who were likely sympathisers of Hitler’s vision of a united Europe under fascism. Britain was able to show to the world a completely united front filled with a steely resolve to defeat the Nazi menace. Alone, against appalling odds, the British people successfully defended their sovereignty and ancient freedoms. Frustrated by his first real defeat, Hitler then turned his attention to the East and attacked Soviet Russia. Britain, with its Empire and Commonwealth, had held the line and with the eventual entry of America into the war, Hitler’s fate was sealed. Or that is the history that we were all taught in the schools and in the history books. But who was - and is - the real enemy? Unfortunately, we’ve not been told the full story. As with exposing the real prime movers for the First World War, the hidden and detailed truth about who was really behind the rise of Hitler and Nazism is still being pieced together by researchers. However, enough has been done to see a picture which clearly shows that both appalling conflagrations were triggered deliberately by an unspeakably evil mindset. Our enemy, the real enemy that the British people must now expose and defeat decisively over the next twelve months, are the ruthless and psychopathic elite banking dynasties who have perfected the powers of alchemy to control the world. Alchemy? Yes, but we are not talking here about the ability to create simple base metals into gold, but the ability to magic money completely out of thin air as debt and to then successfully design and build a global economic system which has system-serving economists and ‘useful idiot’ politicians accepting this debt-creating alchemy as a truth never to be questioned. It is all breathtakingly simple and unbelievably successful – the peoples of the world have been duped on a truly massive scale! For example, how many people actually know about the privately controlled, secretive and unaccountable Bank for International Settlements (BIS)? My own MP, Tim Farron, hadn’t when asked this year about it and he’s been in Parliament for nine years! The BIS is simply the central bank for all the central banks – it controls a network of sixty private central banks, including the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve, and has control of 95% of the world’s money. And Tim Farron is certainly not on his own – probably ninety-nine per cent of the British general public have never heard of this strategically important criminal institution that was created by the elite banking dynasties. And coupled directly with this alchemy is the move by these banking dynasties and their political cohorts to completely corporatise the world using deception, fear and outright criminality. Their ultimate goal is a form of global governance (the so-called New World Order) that George Orwell would immediately recognise….and this process is now far advanced - almost on a daily basis we see more pieces of their corporate jigsaw falling into place. The two world wars hastened the increasing demise of sovereign nations as the criminal alchemists strove to overwhelm countries with unlawful debt, whilst placing humanity onto a treadmill of mass mindless production to meet mass mindless consumerism. The end result of all of this is that the powerbase, influence and wealth of many transnational corporations exceed that of many sovereign nations. And this yoke of debt servitude for humanity has all been achieved by the criminal alchemy of the private central bankers, backed up by treasonous corrupt politicians from all parties. We are repeatedly told in the House of Commons by the likes of Cameron, Clegg, Miliband, Osborne and Balls that we are all in a global economic race that we must win at all costs as a nation. Like with the rest of humanity, the British people are chasing their tails and working flat out as debt-slaves to feed this monstrous corporate engine which generously rewards the ‘one per cent’ whilst leaving the rest of us exhausted, disillusioned and in debt, fearful for our homes and our families. This so-called ‘race’ is the product of the ‘alchemist banksters’ and we, the ‘ninety-nine per cent’, must now use 2015 to call ‘time’ on this utterly insane and criminal global financial system. We, in Britain, are in the perfect position to do this, and we can even help the rest of humanity at the same time. Why? Because this monstrous corporate engine that is enslaving and impoverishing the world has its main base and headquarters in the City of London. But to expose and ‘take out’ the supremely arrogant and confident City of London we must first establish to what extent our country has been infiltrated by those seeking to distress our country’s sovereignty and well-being. In other words, we need to expose and use the Common Law to neutralise the quisling network that has already infested our corridors of power. We know for certain that ALL of the political parties are led by leaders who are in bed with the City of London and the globalist banksters – including UKIP. We know that the mainstream media is controlled by those who seek to undermine the self-confidence and well-being of the British people, especially the BBC who will never give a level playing field to those seeking to challenge and debate what is REALLY happening to our nation. And we know that a hidden network of traitors is operating through Freemasonry and through so-called ‘leadership’ charities such as Common Purpose. The list goes on – the enemy within is very well organised.....but also very vulnerable, especially as the ordinary decent people of our nation are now waking up to the truth. We must also understand that there are rogue elements in all of the major religions. Whether it is the Vatican, with its secret societies, links to organised crime and appalling child abuse, or Judaism, where an ancient and revered religion has been hijacked by the appalling Zionist movement......a movement so evil that many believe it is the key driving force behind this final push to control the entire economy of the world and to corporatize every aspect of our lives. Real Jews are waking up (feed ‘Jews against Zionism’ into any search engine) but the House of Rothschild, along with the other so-called ‘Jewish’ banking dynasties, have created an effective shield for themselves whereby any researcher who starts to get near to the truth is immediately branded ‘anti-Semitic by unthinking and ignorant useful idiots in the mainstream media. The Augean Stables..... If you recall the Twelve Labours of Hercules, you will remember the fifth task was where our legendary hero redirected the course of two rivers to flush out a particularly disgusting stables owned by King Augeas. Well, in 2015, we need to redirect the River Thames to flush out that appalling cesspit of treason and debauchery that our ‘Mother of Parliaments’ has become. Over the last fifty years both Houses of Parliament have knowingly surrendered our sovereignty to a foreign power under the guises of ‘peace’ and ‘economic prosperity’. The European Union has always been a central long-term project for the criminal banking dynasties and was first mooted back in 1943 in Nazi Germany. When that ghastly paedophile and traitor, Edward Heath, took the British people into the European Economic Union under the pretence of protecting jobs, boosting trade and avoiding another European war, he and his Cabinet knew full well that this was just a simple stepping stone to an all-out political union and that in less than forty years Britain would become a mere vassal state to an unelected and unaccountable powerful European Commission made up of sycophants and useful idiots who took their orders direct from the globalist banking dynasties. The truth is that our country has been deliberately emasculated by criminal and treasonous actions – our ancient Common Law and traditions (the Law of the Land) have been trampled on and have been deliberately and treasonously downgraded and distressed in favour of corporate and Roman law (the Law of the Sea) so that we become ‘legally’ (but certainly now ‘lawfully’) an integral part of the planned European Union Superstate where the corporate mindset of the globalist banksters reign supreme and our ancient rights enshrined in Magna Carta 1215, the Petition of Right 1628, the Declaration of Right 1688 and the Bill of Rights 1689 are thrown into the dustbin of history. No more will you have juries, habeas corpus and right to be considered innocent until proved guilty. All this is happening slowly but surely as our politicians from all the major parties deliberately ‘look the other way’ and refuse to accept the concerns of ordinary decent people who can see clearly what is really happening to our once proud and sovereign nation. And, of course, I haven’t even mentioned the real elephant in the room when it comes to our political, judicial and financial elite. And the evidence for this is now coming out thick and fast and on almost a daily basis. The horrible truth is that the elite banking dynasties use paedophilia, child abuse and even satanic rituals to control their ‘useful idiots’ who are advancing their cause for global governance and complete corporate control over all of us. There is a ticking time bomb in Parliament waiting to go off and when it does, it will make the MPs’ expenses scandal look like the proverbial teddy bears’ picnic. But when it comes to our controlling elite in London, fear not! The relief force has set out and the proverbial cavalry are on their way! The solution is simple......and deadly for those criminals and traitors in the Houses of Parliament and in the City of London! . The alchemists’ nightmare...... The financial and banking alchemists who have created this debt prison for the world have got away with murder…..and when you think how many wars have been started by the banking dynasties to boost their profits and their control over sovereign nations, this blunt aside resonates as complete truth! However, whilst they have succeeded to bamboozle most of humanity for centuries, their method of debt creation – fractional reserve banking and the creation of money completely out of thin air as debt – has created for these dynastic criminals a self-inflicted nightmare. The reality is that the whole rotten banking and financial system is nothing more than a house of cards waiting to be collapsed by the truth! And when this happens, the actual time it will take to happen will be measured in days not years! Humanity doesn’t know it yet but we are all now on the verge of global freedom and real prosperity. And as I have already alluded to, our role here in the United Kingdom to collapse this house of cards is absolutely huge! If we expose and paralyse with truth their City of London flagship, then we will paralyse their plans for the rest of the world. It really is as simple as that. And the best news of all is that we have been given the ultimate solution with which to win the day! Just over two years ago, a former Director of the Bank of England tipped us off about the Treasury-issued, debt-free Bradbury Pound which was issued one hundred years ago in 1914 (for those of you who are new to the Bradbury Pound and its implications, please go to and start your research). Here was an actual historical precedent that completely exposes the alchemists and their system of money creation out of thin air as debt. This is the essential truth that the Bradbury Pound exposes – any, repeat any sovereign nation has the ABSOLUTE right to issue and control its own debt-free and interest-free money through its treasury based on the wealth, integrity and potential of that nation. That’s it! It is unbelievably simple and hugely effective. And this one simple fact will bring down the globalist banksters’ house of cards. And anyone who cannot accept this simple fact is either a bloody fool or a bloody traitor. So the key to restoring our country’s sovereignty and prosperity is simply taking back our right as a nation to be in complete control of our money supply. It really is as simple as that! In PART TWO I will explain what I believe we must all do in 2015 and offer some ideas as to how we can achieve our objectives quickly and decisively. Justin Walker (justinrgwalker@gmail) Bring Back The Bradbury | UK Column Campaign to use the historical precedent of the Bradbury Pound as a form of national credit to fund national infrastructure projects which can be used to kick start a productive economy. Like · 15 people like this. Sue G. Darton Share option please 2 hrs · Like · 1 Chris Jones C&P Im afraid. 1 hr · Like · 2 Hugh-cam Divad Chris never be afraid thats what they bank on 1 hr · Like · 1 Chris Jones Copy and paste Im afraid, I should spell things out. 1 hr · Like Colin Gibbons OMG....Happy new year.. 1 hr · Like · 1 David Joseph Mills Write a comment...
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 10:33:51 +0000

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