MESSAGE FROM WRMA... The Water Resource Management Agency would - TopicsExpress


MESSAGE FROM WRMA... The Water Resource Management Agency would like to inform persons that the island is presently experiencing a dry spell. The Saint Lucia Meteorological Services predicts the island will receive normal to below normal rainfall within the next three to six months based on rainfall data from the past 35 years. Additionally, WASCO´s reports indicate that the present rainfall does not allow for satisfactory water storage and therefore cannot adequately meet the country’s demand. Therefore a valving or rationing scheme may have to instituted if this situation continues. So to this end, the Water Resource Management Agency is appealing to the public to conserve and store treated water; harvest rainwater for non-potable uses when possible; and seek advice from the Water Resource Management if you are planning to abstract water from a river or spring. Persons and business entities are asked to; 1. Check all pipes and faucets to ensure they are not leaking and if they are repair immediately 2. Report all leaks or damaged pipes on public mains to WASCO as soon as they are noticed 3. Use buckets instead of hoses when necessary, particularly when washing vehicles 4. We advise that lawns and gardens should not be watered during the day but be watered only on evenings. 5. Try to use as little water as possible when washing dishes, bathing, and brushing teeth by closing faucets when not in use. 6. Maximize washing loads in machines and if possible hand wash 7. Recycle and reuse grey water as much as possible 8. Do not refill pools and do not empty tanks for cleaning at this time 9. Store as much water as possible in the proper containers and consult the Ministry of Health for advice 10. Check that float valves in water tanks and other receptacles to make such they are working properly to prevent them from overflowing and wasting potable water Further details from WRMA Fitzgerald John at 2867524
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:09:52 +0000

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