MOMBASA LEADERSHIP ACCOUNTABILITY SURVAY COMMISSIONED BY (UMBRELLA FOR REAL CHANGE) The survay was conducted between 1st november to 26th November by leading political research firm in Kenya.It was completely in line with Scientific Standard.It covered; 1.Kisauni Constituency 2.Nyali Constituency 3.Changamwe Constituency 4.Jomvu Constituency 5.Likoni Constituency 6.Mvita* The sample size was 15,000 respondents within MSA County Door-Doors Survay conducted in households. Ratings. 1.Governor Joho development record in two years was rated 65%..Last elections Joho won by 132,583 votes representing 56% of the total votes casted..When asked if elections were to be conducted now,which candidate would they vote for as their Governor?Joho was rated the highest with 63% 2.Omar Hassan General performance rated 25% in two years.. In 2013 report,the level of his popularity was rated 75% i.e Icrease by 30% from his rating before declaring his candidature for senate in 2012.. The expectations on him was rated 82% during election Period 3.ABDULSWAMAD interms of Development was rated in two years was rated 68% No.Of those who dint vote for him and has now changed their minds are 25%.... 38% of his Constituents have benefited either direct or indirect from NASSIR FOUNDATION OMAR MWINYI development record was rated at 48% in 2yrs. 25% of those who voted for his opponents said would considar Voting for him if elections were to be held now. BEDZIMBA-Kisauni was located Ksh 69,225,070.00 in the last financial year..Development record is rated 56% in two years.Popularity in Kisauni Stands at 78% TWALI BADI- Development record was rated 15% in two years..Popularity stands at 62% 78% of his voters in last election said would never considar voting for him.. Margin of error 0.5% LIKONI AND WARDS REPORT IS YET TO BE RELEASED
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:51:37 +0000

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