MOVIES THAT CHANGED MY LIFE - INSTALLMENT #12 DONNIE DARKO Dr. Lilian Thurman: Donnie, what did Roberta Sparrow say to you? Donnie: She said that every living creature on Earth dies alone. Okay, so yeah, this isnt the feel good movie of the year (or ever) but whoa, talk about a thought provoking and utterly mind boggling film. No one may fully understand what actually happens in Donnie Darko but let me tell you that the attempt you will make to figure it out is a trip well worth the time. There are so many high concepts in the movie it becomes almost as much a burden on the viewer as they are to the main character Donnie, who struggles deeply with the ramifications of simply being alive. This puts you right there in his shoes. Ever consider how your day to day actions effect everything around you? How your presence in the world leads to others success, or death? Ever wonder if things would be better without you? Donnie does. And what if you could go back in time and take all those hours of pain and darkness and replace them with something better? I tell you, this movie will knock you flat. And the cast is incredible!! To name a few... Jake Gyllenhaal, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Drew Barrymore, Seth Rogen (as a bully in his first movie roll), Jenna Malone, Patrick Swayze, Beth Grant (in her best roll ever!!), the list goes on and on! If youve never seen it, take a chance on this one. The amount of awards this film won is stunning, and it deserves every last one of them. Find it, watch it, experience it.. and maybe take a few days off work to recover. Watch this trailer :) youtube/watch?v=BvNbvqFkwjE
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:07:52 +0000

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