MRS GANIAT FAWEHINMI 9a, Ademola Close, off Remi Fani-Kaytode - TopicsExpress


MRS GANIAT FAWEHINMI 9a, Ademola Close, off Remi Fani-Kaytode Avenue, GRA Ikeja, Lagos Tuesday, May 20, 2014 THE CHIBOK DISGRACE It is absolutely terrible what our nation is faced with at this moment in time. As a mother myself, I sympathize with all mothers in Nigeria who have lost their loved ones. The capture and kidnap of the over 230 girls from Chibok in Bornu State is not only dreadful, it is totally unbelievable. We have gotten to a stage with this Boko Haram Sect where we have to be very tactful. The lives of the over 230 girls is very important and we pray for their save return. I am in support of all the protests all over the world with one simple message “BRING BACK OUR GIRLS”, and I humbly add my voice to it. It is now time for our Nigerian Army in conjunction with the foreigners who have come, to make sure that those little girls don’t come to any harm and they return safely in the arms of their parents. I am however totally disappointed, that this situation has degenerated to this level because the Nigerian Army has performed credibly well in the past, not only in Gorilla warfare situations but also as peace keepers in conjunction with and under the watch of the UN. The same Nigerian Army is finding it difficult to protect this country against the Boko Haram sect. I begin to ask myself where are all the Billions of Naira budgeted for defense go into and what is it spent on because with the hundreds of billions spent so far which is almost a Trillion. Nigerians should have every sophisticated weapon manufacture anywhere in the world. The size of Nigerian Army should have increased to more than Three Million personnel at this level of Military advancement. For God’s sake what’s happening in Nigeria? What kind of politics is being practiced in Northern Nigeria to the extent that the politicians will stand idly by and watch their land be pounded by bombs and shootings. Women and children killed with reckless abandon, innocent children slaughtered without reason to the extent that Northern girls could be kidnapped and they didn’t even lift a finger in the rescue of those girls. Neither did they proffer information to safeguard the interests of the Nigerian citizens resident and domiciled in Northern Nigeria. May God Almighty have mercy on our souls. I do not think this is what Islam preaches. Islam we know is a religion of peace. As for Boko Haram where ever they are or whoever their leaders are, it is necessary to remind them that the Holy Quran does not encourage or instruct the kidnapping of young girls or even slaughtering of young girls, women and children. I advise, that they should release the girls immediately or otherwise face the risk of incurring the wrath of Almighty Allah the same way those who pursued Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) to Medina were conquered and destroyed. May God Almighty give us peace in Nigeria. I am aware of the prediction that by 2015, Nigerian will disintegrate. I strongly believe that as God has brought us together and we have co-existed for more than 5 decades. We shall continue to live together as a nation called Nigeria with the support of all ethnic tribes in excess of 450 who have inter-married, loved themselves and one another for so many years regardless of our local government of origin, state of origin or geographical region in Nigeria. We are a Nation that worships Almighty God / Almighty Allah in true dedication and belief. I am of the opinion that God Almighty will answer our prayers and with one love keep us together in peace and harmony. AMEN LONG LIVE THE PEOPLE OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA!!! Thank you all for listening and God bless. Signed MRS. GANIAT BUKOLA FAWEHINMI
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 13:08:31 +0000

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