MUFASA# By now Africa is supposed to be a powerful - TopicsExpress


MUFASA# By now Africa is supposed to be a powerful continent. Name any mineral and Africa has it. But our people are still the poorest of them all. Our people are still dying of Aids & Ebola. Our people are dying in poverty. Why? Because our leaders are still stuck in a forest of puberty. Because our leaders are cowards, hiding behind this hypocrisy they call democracy. Our leaders are still children who are afraid to confront racism & oppression of their own people. Our leaders are still to mature Because our leaders are selfish and are sleeping with the enemy. Our leaders are making deals with people who are oppressing our continent. Our leaders are just public faces, public officials, but behind the expensive suits and fake presidential speeches, our leaders are being pimped like whores by European imperialists. It is not a laughing matter, because millions of people are suffering/dying for no reason other than the terrible choices of these so-called leaders. That’s why African countries are being exploited. We are exploited through loans we owe to the World Bank. Apart from colonization and poor leadership, Debt is also being used to deprive us off resources & ultimately an African dream. Because of poor leadership, today our resources, our minerals, our mines are easily confiscated from benefiting the land and the people who live on that land into benefiting the people who oppress us through this debt our poor leadership got us in. That’s why our oppressors have the power to tell us (Africans) how to run our own mines, our own land, our own lives, because they own the very land we live on. And that leaves our so called leaders as puppets in the face of leadership. I pay my Respects to Leaders like Robert Mugabe, Elijah Muhammad, Gaddafi, and Louis Farrakhan. Our very own Stephen Bantu Biko, Oliver Tambo, Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe, Chris Hani. No one have said it better than our very own Thabo Mbeki And so I conquer, I AM AN AFRICAN. This are our real leaders, they raise awareness in us. They taught us how to put our talent at work, working towards our best interest. This leaders are different from the leaders we have today... TODAY our leaders are busy bragging about illusions of success! They are busy going around thinking they are successful. For our leaders all they want is to be the first black man to live in this suburb. They want to be the 1st black man to drive this Lamborghini. The 1st black man to belong to this golf club and etc. Thats what our leaders think success is! They think such petty things impress us! We are crying for a leader to find his/her way to the womb of a true African woman. A woman who will raise a leader who will grow up and stand before us with an aim to be the 1st man/woman who liberate his own people out of a poverty struck community. We are waiting for that leader to be born or if already born, If you are that leader and if you are reading this, please come forward because we are in need of a leader such as you. A leader who will rise up to be the 1st man/woman to end oppression and racism that plaques our people daily. We are impatiently waiting for you to come and be that 1st man/woman to lead your people into a real independent nation with real freedom! Thats what we are hungry for, not this old people who call themselves leaders whilst their minds are still stuck in late adolescents stages! When I talk about leaders, I do not necessarily refer to political leaders. I just use them as reference for this dialogue Simply because political leaders do more damage to humanity than any other leaders in the field. They are the most corrupt leaders who breathe lies daily Corruption is not only about stealing funds. It is also about putting bad people in prime positions. People who have neither the passion (sincerity) nor the qualification (skills) to do the job. This form of corruption is crippling Africas development. Corruption is worse than murder. It kills more than warfare, it takes land and moneys to build a hospital and buys a private jet, and condemning thousands of people over multiply generations to die of curable diseases. History taught us that our leaders are capable of walking out of jail and brain wash the nation. They have the tendency to sell our country’s resources and real freedom in exchange of the glory of being a hero for an idea of a rainbow nation that they fail to make manifest into a reality. History taught us that our leaders have a tendency of wanting to accumulate wealth for themselves and not for the benefit of the people they claim that they are leading. History taught us that our leaders turn to switch, like a sissy & forget the struggle that made them. This are the leaders who look down on us. People who favour war & support military practices. They build Nkandla’s while we struggle to pay rent. I wonder where the spirit of Ubuntu went. Motho ke motho ka batho. Umuntu ngu muntu nga Bantu. The leader shall rise from the people who are part of the struggle. The leader is not in the government, the leader is in you. Yes, you the citizen. The solution is within us, we have the power to hold this people we elect to be our leaders responsible for the good and the bad things they do to us and to our humanity. We can only achieve it if we unite, as individuals we are weak but as a unit, we are powerful. We shall know that we have arrived at that place when our people are no longer dying of poverty in a continent that has resources (minerals) that are capable of preventing such. When our people are no longer living in the poorest conditions. When our people are no longer divided and wounded by racial racism. In conclusion I ask the same question asked by my fellow great poet, Suss: What is democracy to an African counting stars on an open roof shack?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:07:21 +0000

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