MUSCLES AND HOW THEY WORK Muscle fibers exist in two basic forms: - TopicsExpress


MUSCLES AND HOW THEY WORK Muscle fibers exist in two basic forms: slow and fast twitch. Theyre also known as red and white, or type 1 and type 2. Muscle fibers are elongated muscle cells. Fast twitch (white or type 2) fibers are dominant in sprinters and power athletes, and slow twitch (red or type 1) fibers dominate in successful endurance athletes like marathoners. Slow fibers have a better ability to endure because they are resistant to fatigue and contract slowly. Fast fibers are the opposite -- they contract explosively but endure for a much shorter time. 1. Red fibers = slow fibers = type 1. 2. White fibers = fast fibers = type 2. We can have varying combinations of these two types, and that some fibers are in between. Type 2A fibers seem to suit middle distance athletes like 800 and 1500 metre runners because they provide speed and endurance. Certain types of training can favour one type over another. For example, a natural sprinter can train for a marathon and develop his or her slow twitch fibers enough to compete in a marathon. But he will never be a champion marathoner. It is amazing that we have the ability to change the muscle fibre structure with training, but once we stop training, we revert back to what is “normal” for our make up. This is why some of us were never made to run, and other thrive on it…. Me, not a runner but a plodder and far too many slow twitching. Weight Training, Running and Muscle In sprinting and weight training, type 2 and 2A muscle fibers are the dominant muscle fiber type recruited in muscle contraction. Unless youre a competition bodybuilder or you just like to look outrageously muscled up -- for whatever reason -- you may want to go for the lean and muscled look, that slightly shredded, lean look that is a good balance between muscle and an athletic looking body. And healthier because that lean, muscled, shredded look is likely to be as a result of substantial aerobic work, which we know builds a healthy heart. As a general rule, modest cardio or aerobic training will not kill your muscle, or change muscle type too dramatically. Cardio and weights can exist together, despite what some muscle magasines might say. A lean look is best got with the combination of both strength (resistance) work outs and cardio. With your weights workouts and the right amount of aerobic training, which may include interval training (you dont have to train for a marathon), you get all-round fitness that makes you uniquely fit because youre strong and you have good endurance as well. This is known as functional fitness. Think decathlon or heptathlon at the Olympics where men and women need a combination of strength, speed and endurance to win the event. Now thats what being truly fit is about. Definitions Muscle hypertrophy is the growth of, and increase in size of muscle (cells). This is what the body builder aim for.This should be distinguished from muscle hyperplasia, which is an increase in the number of muscle cells. The loss of muscle size and strength is called sarcopenia, especially as it relates to the aged. How Much Muscle Over Time The question of how much muscle growth you can get in a month or year arises regularly in weight training and bodybuilding forums and is a feature of many enticing advertisements on associated web sites and in magazines. Such ads entice us to subscribe to this or that course or book or supplement to learn how to pack on an amazing amount of muscle in what seems to be a remarkably short time. A typical example could be: “Gain 15-20 lbs of lean muscle in 6 weeks with my nutrition and training guide.” Do the math: That’s 2 to 3 pounds of muscle per week. Not possible. Not bad if you can get it, except you’ve got almost no chance of achieving that rate of lean muscle growth. I won’t say 20 to 30 pounds of total weight gain might not be possible for some highly-geared young males, including muscle, fat, water and carbohydrate storage -- but for lean muscle, drug free? . . . forget it. A Reasonable Target The variables are many, including age, gender, physical condition, genetics, diet quality, and of course, training program. And there are limits. The increases you achieve in three months may not be sustained over six or twelve months. On the Supertraining forum, Anthony Pitruzzello, PhD, came up with a potential achievable range of approximately 1.5 to 5 pounds of additional lean muscle per month, after researching scientific studies. • Muscle comprises protein tissues like muscle fibers and connective tissue but also blood, nerves and water and glycogen -- the storage form of carbohydrate, which includes water. Because water and carbohydrate get stored together as glycogen, this can add a considerable amount of weight when a person is fully loaded. This tends to pump the muscles and body up a bit. This storage can be lost when the person exercises hard and long or goes on a low-carb diet. Mistake made by body builder who need to cut fat before a comp and go on a very low carb diet- they lose muscle bulk…. • Some experts suggest that 1.5 to 5 pounds a month in gaining phase at the extremes, with averages around 2 pound per month achievable, depending on age, size etc. • The best way to interpret this would be to consider it applicable over a range of existing body weights and starting points, and that a higher gain could be possible for an initial or early month with much less growth thereafter. Overall, 15 to 25 pounds per year could be a good estimate. Even allowing for some fluctuation in water and carbohydrate storage, this is nowhere near the more extreme promises of 30 pounds in 10 weeks. You have to work hard, eat right and be patient to build muscle; there is no other way. • SO the long and short of it- what is your goal? Lean and mean or bulked up? Fit and strong or functionally strong and healthy? • Train accordingly and remember weightloss starts in the kitchen (or car if you travel a lot like me). • If you want to enter a competition or event you need to start training early to get the results. See you at class
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 22:40:11 +0000

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