MY MOST IMPORTANT POST IN THE UNIVERSE POST. PLEASE READ AND LIKE (then Ill know if you pay attention to what I say): I am plugging my benefit night and car raffle hard as one of my last fundraising events left. Im still way off covering medical expenses. Ive worked full time with amazing support over the last 6 months and Ive also been left incredibly let down by others. Im out there, I say what I think and feel Im the Abby Lee Miller of Taree. Im asking everyone of you on my fb to put yourself in my shoes just for a minute. Imagine not working even though you have 2 degrees, not being able to be the partner and mother you want to be, your daily grind revolves around you being sick, saying I cant when you want to say yes I will! Being told there is nothing they can do for you and to live with it because thats MS. Then a glimmer of hope a world away but a huge financial burden to get there. How shit you feel for even asking or putting yourself out there and stressing every single day about how to stretch that last $1until payday then repeat. To live in a shit house with no room to breathe or move or hang clothes up or take a crap with a door (we have an aussie flag), no stove or oven to cook in. Times it by 200 and youll be in my shoes. My only gift is the gift of time to do and say everything I need to and hope. Hope this all can come to an abrupt end in one 4 week journey to Russia. You either love me, hate me or find me amusing but I need my friends and whatever family I have left to help me. I cant do it anymore. So in 6 weeks time Ill be landing in a foreign country to have gruling treatment for 4 weeks including high dose chemotherapy. I may die but likely I wont. The drive from the airport in Russia will be far more dangerous! Sometimes you may get glimpses of the vulnerable me. This is a sometimes moment. I need you as my friend. Not everyone has the money to help me. I know that. Everyone has their own shit. I know that too. But even sharing my page, car raffle, go fund me page, help sell tickets, anything. And then ask yourself if you were in my shoes, would I do the same for you? And the answer is, of course in a heartbeat. Ok no more shit house sooky, look at me look at me, FML posts. I got this journey for a reason and now its time to finish the job off.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 20:39:30 +0000

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