Many years ago, when I was a teen, I worked in a chicken plant (a - TopicsExpress


Many years ago, when I was a teen, I worked in a chicken plant (a term used for slaughterhouse here in DE which is one of the states that raises and kills the most chickens for consumption). I worked in the de-bone section. So I would receive the breasts (how they look in the stores) and I would remove the bones so they could be packaged as boneless. Before I took the job I had a tour of the plant. Starting at the trucks full of chickens cramped in cages which they were grabbed from and quickly hung upside down by their feet so they could go thru a machine that would slice their throats (most of the time) and then they would continue along being drained of their blood and then their bodies would be dumped in scalding hot vats of water to help with feather removal. Ill spare the remaining processes. At the time I blocked out what I saw. I worked with the flesh as I would buy it in the store to cook and eat. I have been in the chicken houses where they are raised. I have witnessed the guys that go in and grab the chickens and throw them in the tiny cages for transport. Ive seen the condition of the chickens. Horrible images that I will never forget as long as I live. 15 yrs ago I gave up meat. My body feels better. My heart most definitely feels better. Know where your food comes from and how it is raised. As long as you buy it, you support how the animal is raised.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 22:38:15 +0000

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