Marathon Mans School Visit Michael Grant & Pam Young, Tuesday - TopicsExpress


Marathon Mans School Visit Michael Grant & Pam Young, Tuesday 06 January 2015 Words by Pam Young, Head Mistress at Hotham Primary School in Putney. ‘On Friday 21st November, Hotham parents and children joined Rob Young (known as Marathon Man) for the last 10km of his marathon run. The pupils arrived at school for a very early start (5.45am) and along with Miss Madden, Mr ORegan and Miss Young ran to Hammersmith Bridge to join Rob and some of the Hotham parents for the run along the Thames meander. We are all very proud of the children and their support of Rob Young on his amazing journey. Later in the day Rob came and spoke to some of the Key Stage 2 children. It was an inspirational experience, with the highlight being able to wear some of Rob’s medals! Everyone felt like a champion! After the experience a number of children said they wanted to join the running, ask their parents to take them out running and join Rob on his Boxing Day run.’ The run was organised by Hotham Primary School parent, Michael Grant. Here he writes about Rob’s visit. ‘As a parent, and someone who loves sport, I was talking to Ms Madden (Year 6 teacher) and sports women about riding around Richmond Park, which I do 5 to 6 days a week. She asked if I had seen or heard of a guy who is running a Marathon a day for a year, mostly in Richmond Park. I had not, at this point, but was blown away that someone was doing this, so I looked on the web for someone running a marathon a day for a year, and I soon found Rob’s website. I then read his story and decided I personally needed to help this guy in any way I can. I went back to school the next day to drop my children off and told Ms. Madden and Pam Young (Head Mistress) more details about Rob and suggested we try to raise some money and see if we can organize a run with Rob and the children from school and the running club. I got in contact with Rob’s manager, Alistair Parkes, and soon organised a running date for the school and Rob. During this time, the children were made aware of Rob and his drive to raise money and achieve a huge goal. Everyone who ran with Rob was excited to meet him, and to run with him. Once you meet this guy and talk to him, you are in awe of what he has already achieved, and overwhelmed by his personable manner and very soft personality as well as the care and attention he pays to everyone he engages with. He spoke to every child who ran and listened to each of them talk about themselves and what they love to do. The morning was a huge success and the children were very excited to have run with Marathon Man! Post the run, Rob had enough time to come to Hotham for a talk to Year 5 and 6 children, by this stage, after the run, all of the children who had earlier run with Rob had told the whole school who Rob was and how cool he is. So when he arrived to talk to everyone, the children had countless questions and just wanted to find out more. Rob spent more than an hour with the children and explained what it is he is doing and why, and relayed his drive to education and the importance of education and goals. If Rob had, had more time, the questions would have kept coming. We are trying to organize another run in the New Year, post his Race Across USA run in January (see details below). As a parent who has children that love sport, he is a great inspiration to my children. For me personally, I am still in awe, and think everyone who can, should help Rob even if it’s only a small donation. He is giving every penny he is given away and wants for nothing himself. You don’t meet many people like that in your life.’ Read Kate Miranda’s article about Rob Young here Donate to Rob Young’s three charities – NSPCC, Dreams Come True, Great Ormond Street Hospital at marathonmanuk @RaceAcrossUSA Read more about Rob and this amazing American transcontinental race, where Rob is the only European core runner.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:58:07 +0000

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