Marriage & Family: This Is….Wow! “This is now bone of my - TopicsExpress


Marriage & Family: This Is….Wow! “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.” Genesis 2:23 Genesis 2:23-25 I’m not a Bible translator, but I know that when Adam first saw Eve, the man wasn’t saying, “This is wow.” Something got lost between the Hebrew and English translation on that one! Finally, this was the suitable helper he had been looking for. So he called her Ishah, Hebrew for woman, because she came from ish, Hebrew for man. In other words, when Adam woke up, all of him was not there. A rib was missing. And when Eve woke up, all of her was not brand new, because she had something that had once belonged to Adam. So what God did in marriage was give Adam back what he had lost and give Eve the rest of what she needed. Now the man and the woman are different. One of the dumbest things a couple can say is, “We’re not compatible. We’re as different as night and day.” Of course your different. If you were just alike, one of you wouldn’t be necessary! That’s why you need each other. So Adam meets Eve, and it’s true love. Now comes the wedding ceremony in verse 24. This verse gets read at almost every Christian wedding, but the problem is a lot of couple don’t know what they are promising when they stand before the alter. Leaving father and mother means a man must be willing to break all other human ties to give himself totally to his mate. But most men aren’t saying, “I’m ready to give up anyone and anything that would keep me from loving and cherishing you above all else.” They’re saying, “I’ll marry you, and I’ll work you into my schedule, television watching, friendships.” But marriage is not working your partner into the game. It’s realizing he or she “is” the game! Now the man is called to cleave his wife…to stick like glue. Men usually interpret this to mean physical cleaving. But a wife needs emotional cleaving too. She needs a sense of security. She needs to know that her husband has her best interest at heart, that she’s safe in his love and care. Anybody for taking a shot at a marriage like that? Notice the change to the plural pronoun in verse 24. Both parties are responsible to maintain their one-flesh relationship. I left genesis 2:25 for our reflection verse this weekend because I didn’t want to just dismiss it with the obvious note that Adam and Eve were naked before each other. The word means more than physical nakedness. It means they were transparent. They were open to one another. They had become best friends. Is your wife or husband your best friend? Is he or she the person you share your total being with? That’s important, because the reason God created marriage was so that you and I could experience the trinity. What is the trinity? Three coequal persons who are one. What is marriage? Three persons who become one….a man, a woman, and the Lord. That’s marriage. It’s a picture of a higher unity, a symbol on earth standing for the reality in heaven. The marriage relationship is the closest we’ll get in this life to the oneness and unity of the Trinity. And by the way, one reason we’ve got to get this marriage deal right on earth is that the Bible tells us there is no marriage in heaven. Why? Because we won’t need the earthly symbol anymore when we have the heavenly reality. But until we reach heaven, let’s make the most of this wonderful God-given union called Christian marriage. Will you join me in praying that God will enable us to make our marriages everything He meant them to be….and will you join me in committing to this goal? Posted by David Coleman of The DC Ministry “Sharing The Gospel”
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 12:09:45 +0000

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