Mary 1. Virgo represents Virgin Mary. Her name is Mary because - TopicsExpress


Mary 1. Virgo represents Virgin Mary. Her name is Mary because the word connotes water-in biblespeak, water is the mother element of birth. For example in Genesis 1, God divided the waters to make heaven and earth; Moses Red Sea crossing symbolized the birth of the new nation of Israel. 2. On December 25 at the first hour, Virgo ascends above the horizon (Figure 2). It is significant that Virgo be ascending. Ascension is looked upon as a fortuitous direction. 3. At dawn, the sun personifies the Christ child born on the first day of the year when daylight hours start to increase. Thus we have the phrase, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son. She is even lying on her side (Figure 3) as if to be giving birth. When seen through the eyes of an astrologer, there is nothing miraculous about this divine conception. 4. The passage in Luke about the low estate of his handmaiden takes on an astronomical meaning when we see Virgo arriving from below with her hand first to emerge above the horizon, i.e. the hand of the maiden.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 00:36:17 +0000

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