Maybe a big majority of people became super comfortable with par - TopicsExpress


Maybe a big majority of people became super comfortable with par taking in one of the biggest mass murders and theft of resources ever to take place in history of man. Alot of folks just are not concerned enough to really tell this murderous Govt, NO. They are the most in your face racist that i can think of, in your face truly believe they have the rights to rule and govern all the original nations, not just nations of turtle island either, yes i am speaking of the British Empire, King and Queen. They love to point to their laws as to why they can. So, you dont see the conflict of interest here ? Your laws, your So called Queen is your point of authority. RCMP/police forces gain their power from these so called authorities, yet no one questions it? You do realize, no one is arresting these criminals for murder/biological warfare and genocide of a race. Seems the Queens men or army have affected 70% or more of this Planet, Big Corporations who have no real claim to real property seeing its all just a made up thing, fiction. They gain more rights and win in court because they fund probably like 80% of the courts daily intake. Wouldnt be in their interest to turn down their biggest client against, the natives they been trying to eradicate for the past 400 years. Most might be upset by these words but time is coming to close off this BS way of living everyone has been fooled into buying into. Time to change and only the people can do that. If we need, make our own courts and jails for those who wish to continue this BS agenda that doesnt seem to have an end. Passive thinking and passive ideas are no longer possible. I know we need to create something unique that isnt modeled after their criminal activities but it would be a start. Than grow from there. Its not okay to live on land that has a history of bloodshed, murder/rape and the list goes on, if your not okay with simple things like robbing a store/bank or people on the streets. If your not ok with that, why is it okay to not say anything about what took place on the very land you sleep each night ? I guess its like eating meat, unless you didnt kill the animal, it doesnt matter just keep on keeping on. Time for Change, we need to really set our priorities straight, how would our ancestors think we they saw how we complied with these terrorists, called the Canadian Govt, American Govt. Share and share and keep on sharing if you agree, time for a movement to gain power.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 20:28:09 +0000

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