Meila is going home tomorrow!!!! Praise the Lord from who all - TopicsExpress


Meila is going home tomorrow!!!! Praise the Lord from who all blessings flow. So I will start with the medical data: Meila has MMA. She has been in the hospital for 5 weeks out of 7. She has been at Tulane in the PICU since Sept 11th. She has had labs drawn almost every single day from every part of her body that you could possibly draw blood from. She has been on a ventilator twice, she has had an NG tube for 2 weeks. We have watched her lay in the ICU completely lifeless for 7 straight days. Yesterday, she had surgery to place a G tube for feeding. Today- She has passed all the marks to be able to go home. Although she has a feeding tube in place, she is eating by mouth at each and every feeding! Her temperature has been completely normal for 3 days! She is awake, alert and acting like a healthy little baby! Our Meila is ready to go home on Thursday!!! To God be all the glory!! It has been a long journey....As I sit here and type so many emotions overwhelm me- joy, fear, sadness, excitement- you name it, we have felt it. The roller coaster that our family has been on is one that I never want to ride again. Each and Every single day, there were emotions of joy and then moments later we would be told something that would grip our souls with fear. I cannot explain what being in the ICU with a sick baby is like. It is something that I thought I could somehow relate to because my mom died in an ICU... but it is honestly something you cannot explain to anyone. Keep in mind, I am not even the parent of this baby and I am traumatized by the last 6 weeks. I am Breannes aunt. I was 12 when Breanne was born, and she has been more than just a niece to me. Watching her go through this has ripped my heart apart. I come home from the hospital every night to three healthy, beautiful daughters and have for the first time understood how blessed I am to have what I have. Look at your child- if they can breathe unassisted- that is a miracle. If they can walk that is a miracle. If they can eat that is a miracle. If they can talk that is a miracle. Every single thing that I have just assumed or expected my children to do is an absolute miracle. I am forever changed and humbled by this little baby. This little baby has brought more light into this world in her short seven weeks than I have in my entire lifetime. She is a true gift from God. I remember reading other peoples posts of their sick child like this one and my heart would break for that family. I remember thinking how glad I was that I was not walking through what they were walking through. I also remember thinking- I do not know how they are doing it. I now know. It is all God. Whether you believe in God or not- He is the reason. Grace is the answer. I have never seen grace like I have seen it in Breanne and Terry. I have heard about this kind of trust and faith, I have just never really witnessed it with my own eyes. It is mesmerizing. I walk away inspired and humbled every single time I am with them. My problems are not really problems at all come to find out. If you asked Bre and Terry- they would tell you that this is not a problem. I have never seen peace on a couple like this. If you did not know them, you might think something was wrong with them. You would say things like, Are they ok? Are they in denial? But I know them, I know their hearts, I know the God that they have served so faithfully. I know where God has brought them and I know His plan for their life is for them to prosper. I am truly honored to have had the opportunity to even be on this journey with them. Meila is ready to leave the only place she has ever really known, Tulane Hospital, PICU floor- bed 4. She is ready to be held non-stop, rocked, cradled, and strolled. She is ready to see what the sunshine looks like. She is ready to be home with her adorable big brother, Eli. She is ready to be in her swing, on her play mat, and in her own bed. This is Breannes first time holding Meila without a hat , she is not swaddled with two pairs of socks and two blankets on her just to keep her temperature up. We cannot wait to just hold her with a onesie on and not worry about her temperature dropping. Breanne and Terry have spent most of the day learning how to care for Meila at home. She will have two B12 injections daily in her upper thighs. She will be on a special formula that they can only get from the state pharmacy. She will be on special medications as well as metabolic supplements. They have been trained on how to give shots, how to use a feeding tube and how to give her all of her medications and how to mix this special formula. It may sound overwhelming, but just take a look at the picture is ALL worth it! Look at those fat, chunky cheeks! Look at how good her eyes look, how they are focusing on the camera and how she does not have a hat on! She has a real baby outfit on! Look at her smile as her mommy holds her close. Look at how happy she is to be out of that ICU bed. And look at my beautiful, strong, amazing niece. She doesnt look overwhelmed at all. She looks like a proverbs 31 women if you ask me- Filled with grace and peace. She looks blessed. We thank you all, thank you for your prayers, your kind words, your calls, your offers to help, your hearts of mercy. Our journey is nowhere near over. We continue to believe for complete healing. We continue to ask you to pray for Meila and her parents. Thank you all for believing in a Miracle for Meila
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:16:14 +0000

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