Melanin gives Black people superior physical, mental & spiritual - TopicsExpress


Melanin gives Black people superior physical, mental & spiritual ability Melanin refines the nervous system in such a way that messages from the brain reach other areas of the body most rapidly in Black people, the Original People. Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites, and demonstarte more advanced cognitive skills than their white counterparts because of their abundance of Melanin. Carol Barnes writes ...your mental processes (brain power) are controlled by the same chemical that gives Black humans their superior physical (atheltics, rhythmic dancing) abilities. This chemical... is Melanin! The abundance of Melanin in Black humans produces a superior organism physically, mentally and spiritiually. This why all the founders of the worlds great religions are Black. Melanin is the neuro-chemical basis for what is called SOUL in Black people. In the same way Blacks excel in athletics, they can excel in all other areas as well (like they did in the past!) once the road blocks are removed! Is God Black? The Original Man was BLACK, made in the IMAGE of God his Parent, according to scared books. Children look like their parents. All the other races are but diluted variations of the Original Black Race. (see pages 7 & Most whites have calcified pineal glands which thwarts Melatonin production, therby limiting their moral capacity. Located in the brain, the tiny pineal & pituitary glands regulate the bodys other glands. Esoteric tradion regards the area of these glands as the third eye, seat of the soul, and the mystical Uraeus represented by the cobra on the forehead of Egyptian royalty/crowns. Why did Africans view the European as a child of God, but the Europeans viewed the African as a soulless savage? Because of melatonin, described as a mentally & morally stimulating humanizing hormone produced by the pineal gland. Scientific research reveals that most whites are unable to prduce much melatonin because their pineal glands are often calcified and nonfunctioning. Pineal calcification rateswith Africans si 5-15%; Asians - 15-25%; Europeans -60-80%! This is the chemical basis for the cultural diffences between Blacks and whites, causing some Black scholars to raise the question that the European approach, that of the logical, erect, ridgid, anti-feeling posture, reflects a left brain orientation and reflects that they lack the chemical key of melatonin to turn on their unconscious and therefore cannot get into feelings. Carol Barnes writes Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low levels of Melanain will behave in a barbaric manner. Melanin give humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies of energy. Dr. Welsing wrties Since melanin is a superior absorber of all energy , it is essential to establish this understanding of God and all energy. The fact thaat the albinos (whties) lack melanin may also help to explain ...why, in the view of many non-white peooples, they (whit4es) lack spirituality and the capacity to tune in to, and therby establish harmony and justice...
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 09:50:35 +0000

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