#Mel’s Inspirational Centre# “WHEN THE HEART LIES “ FOR - TopicsExpress


#Mel’s Inspirational Centre# “WHEN THE HEART LIES “ FOR PREVIOUS CHAPTERS CHECK MY TIMELINE FINAL CHAPTER A year passed by… Herlima had regain her senses now. Dr Abu had helped greatly in her recovery, his therapy sessions with her had benefited her greatly. Helping her to face her greatest fears and overcoming it... He taught her to comport herself especially when he was away and left in Miltonias and Fatus care... Herlima had changed immensely. There where many things Dr Abu thought Herlima but the most important lesson... was to be a be strong woman… “A woman who will always have the courage to fall in love over and over regardless of the times her heart has been broken… A strong woman is one who is hard working and independent but however depends on her man to love, respect and accept her “ he continued “A strong woman doesn’t have multiple men in her life; instead she has just one man whom she would love in multiple ways…. Even when things are rough she stands by him and not cheat on him” Dr Abu continued. “I want to be that strong woman again!!! but I feel too weak “ she admitted “Don’t worry Herlima in time u will be a strong woman… you will get there…It’s a process. Any man who derserves u would not put u through this horror; Jexter never deserved you in the 1st place... Be strong Herlima your true love.. might be on the way… you never know. Just be strong my dear daughter” he said hopefully.. Herlima became the single most hopeful and assuasive person one could ever meet… Dr Abu, who became her adopted father, had thought her how to be optimistic about life. That everything happens for a reason… and whatever happens one mustn’t give in to life’s difficult… and one must always hope for the very best in anything. Being his daughter he grew special interest in her.. He had nurse Miltonia and Fatu assigned to her in his absence. They took great care of her and kept her company. They would tell her jokes and sometimes read her novel or bed time stories. Annabel and Daugette came to visit her on a Saturday… both of them had been of the country for over five months but when they saw their best friend this time they were surprised at Herlima’s incredible improvement…. Though she was getting better day by day but they didn’t expect her to recover fully in just five months. “Wow!! Herlima” Exclaimed Annabel “She is way better than she ever was” Daugette murmured Annabel and Daugette were delighted seeing Herlima sane again... It was soon time for her to be discharged from the centre. Annabel had already moved Herlima’s things to her own apartment… they were excited to have their best friend all to themselves bur Herlima didn’t want to go, she had just few days left to spend with her doctor, dad and counselor Dr Abu… the man who God used to make her life more meaningful and beautiful. Annabel and Daugette had sorted out Herlimas outstanding bills and documents... she was to leave the centre on Wednesday. She requested her dads presence immediately she learnt she was to discharge on the fellowing Wednesday, which was four days away. Dad all these months, I had always dreamt of this moment... the moment of freedom.. but now here it is... right infront of me but I dont wan to go anymore... How will I cope without u? I am not to strong to be without u....Yes I can be without a man but I cant be without my daddy she sobbed bitterly Oh dear child!... pls dont make papa cry, you will be fine... Ill take Annabels address from the office.. so Ill be visiting you on my day off as he tried to fight the tears from coming down... Okay dad.. she smiled How do you plan to start life Herlima? Honestly I dont know.. I have tried to think about it... but the very thought gives me a migraine... I have possible options but dad I dont have anything anymore. But however Ive tried not to worried about it again... youve thought me to be optimistic about life she said hopefully Its okay my daughter... I will help yo Its okay my daughter... I will help you out Ive also thought about it dad... I know society, I know how cruel they can be... I graduated from college with a 3.6 in business administration; a very impressive grade... but who would want to associate themselves with someone who has lost her mind... ?? She sighed Its okay.. How about a partnership Herlima? Just me and you. You are qualified to run a businessall you need is a capital and Ive thought about it these past days.. you need to be busy with your life... umemployment is something you dont need right now. So here is a cheque of One hundred and fifty million leones; its your captial my daughter. All I want from it is seven percent...the ninety three percent is all yours Herlima cried... as if she was beaten... what has she done to deserve such kindness from a man who was once a stranger but now her father and rescuer. She thanked him endlessly. .. That fateful day the sole owner of the “Hertsford rehabilitation centre” a multi dollar billionaire, Mr Larry Hertsford was to visit the centre that day… He usually comes once a year to inspect the whole building and Set up an annual general meeting with his workers. He couldn’t come the previous year because of the nature of his business... His family were very wealthy and had series of businesses in Africa. Everyone at the centre was excited to meet this single alluring philantrophist. Mr Larry Hertsford was Dr Abu’s childhood friend and he told Herlima a few things about Mr Larry and how helpful he has been to the society, He also mentioned to Herlima that Larry was single but however he has had several heartbreaks and dissappointment from women which made him cautious verily... of women. Dr Abu had already told Larry about his beautiful, amazing, spectacular daughter Herlima.... and also about Herlimas horrible past... probably that was one if his reasons for visiting the centre that afternoon... Herlima was excited to meet this young, single, handsome bachelor who Dr Abu has said alot about... He wasactually trying to match-make them. But Herlima cared less about men though she still belived and hoped for her one true love to come take her away in a shining armour.... However she was more concerned to thank him for the rehabilitation centre... Few minutes later a 2014 Ford F-150 drove right in and parked right infront of the administrative building... All the staffs were waiting on him in the administrative building, Herlima had already packed her suitcase... She was only waiting on Annabel and Daugette to pick her up probably after she had finished talking with Larry. She was still having one of her lengthen conversations with her dad...Dr Abu... He already gave Herlima a cheque of hundred Million Leones as promised... When Larrys driver horned the car, as to notify them of Larrys arrival. After inspecting the buildings in the centre he had a short meeting with his staff and when he was through with it. He went to see Dr Abu who sat at the far end of the hall... His the 1st question asked was... Where is she? With a questioning eyebrow She... who? Dr Abu mockingly asked. Common man... you know Ive been dying to meet her... I was really happy when I saw her on my way in, she look so much more beautiful than the pictures u sent me... Damn Abu! No girl deserves to be treated that way no matter her mistakes.... can I see her now? Larry asked in a gentlemans tone Follow me... she was patiently waiting to talk to you... shes going home today, Her friends are already here to take her home... Pls be gentle to her When Larry laid eyes on Herlima he was speechless.. Both of them stood in bewilderment... It was as if Time had stood still... Love at the very first was on play... It was only the language of love, they could speak... They spent hours talking and before Herlima left she gave Larry her contacts... After Herlima left the centre, she started her exportation business of local food stuffs needed in foreign countries a After Herlim After Herlima left the centre, she started her exportation business of local food stuffs needed in foreign countries and also importating food items and delivering on wholesale. Thou Larry offered countelessly to help her financially but she declined. She wanted to be the STRONG AND INDEPENDENT WOMAN her dad had taught her to be.. That was probably one of the reasons Larry wanted to wife her... he saw her as a wife Material... Her administrative skills were impeccable... They dated for nine months... Yes nine blissful months!!! On the tenth month Larry proposed to her... She obviously agreed...They were happily married... A year later Herlima gave birth to a baby boy. Rumors heard it that Jexter was paralysed and stuck on a wheel chair... Agnes caught him red handed sleeping with her best friend who happened to be a head of states daughter... He was already married but his cheating, gold digging trait wont let him be a loyal husband. Agnes wanted to kill him on the spot but she missed her shot and hit Jexter on his spinal cord as he tried to slide the shot. Nemesis had caught up with him. WHEN THE HEART LIES....sometimes justly sometimes someone dies... and sometimes it makes you rise..Rise above the impossible. Herlima proved to be a Strong woman... Yes she tried again... And this time fortune smiled on her when she met Larry.... Jackpot!!! #WHENTHEHEARTLIES# THE END WRITTEN BY Melrose Tamuke APPRECIATION Give honour to whom honour is due... Thank you Almighty God for making this a success, thank you for the knowledge and blessings you showered upon me.... A very big thank you to all the LIKERS & COMMENTERS you guys really made it interacting without you there would be no sugar to this tea I Love you guys... Special Thanks to my able editors Abu Macauley & Trevor Jex King, despite being busy you always made time to do the editing... ma able readers #Alfred, #Rian, #Naphatu, #Joshua, #Agnes, #Jesse, #Rose-mary, #DonaldDjokovic, #Bilal #Koopx, #Nasser, #Esther, #Milky, #AminataTuray, #Florence, #Annabel, #Daugette... Thanks Guys DEDICATION When the heart lies is dedicated to two important people in my life... My mom; Marvella Tamuke & Trevor Jex King. Mom has always been there for me through thick and thin, she is by no doubt the very best of moms... I Love you mummy and to you Trevor, I owe u this, I really do... Despite what people say or think or feel about Trevor u proved different and made me realise change can happen... In my whole life, Ive never read a novel before. If today I can write this amazing and even boost of being the STRONG woman that I am today, the one man woman type.. I know I have Almighty God to thank first and you TJK to thank second.... U made me stop looking and started seeing... seeing the possiblities out of the impossiblities I faced in life... U made me stop being a worrier and started being a warrior... Im dedicating my 1st novel to u mummy & Trevor.... Im lucky to have u guys... I appreciate u guys so very much... God bless you both. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:16:39 +0000

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