Meteor falls in Mato Grosso do Sul-Brazil/Meteor falls in Mato - TopicsExpress


Meteor falls in Mato Grosso do Sul-Brazil/Meteor falls in Mato Grosso do Sul-Brazil *Ajoutée le 28 déc. 2014* -After the Flash of light in the sky, a bang, a fright and many doubt surrounds Santa Rita do Pardo, the 266 km from Campo Grande. The roof of the town of 7,000 inhabitants, fireballs were seen this morning.Then three consecutive slams and an object, similar to a large tank truck crashed in Villa Santa Maria. They were 3:0 in the morning and seven balls of fire came from the sky, says Marcelo Gulart, 44 years old, owner of a supermarket in the city. A friend of the owner of the farm, Marcelo account that the piece has 1.70 m height and weight of 50 pounds. Carbonized, she fell 50 ft from the House of Francisco Souza Dantas, 69 years. -On Sunday morning, the site became a tourist attraction, point of pilgrimage of onlookers to the Mayor. With so much movement, Francisco is considering closing the gates.The lights were spotted in the sky by residents of several cities, as Campo Grande, Antônio João and Fátima do Sul, besides similar reports in Parana and Paraguay. First, it was classified as a meteor shower, but more likely in the case of space junk.The scholar Douglas Bortolanza Lara, 29 years, States that the Meteor has higher speed. The space junk is slower than the Meteor, he says, after seeing the images. He studies History, but dedicated to astronomy since 2001 and maintains the page Astronomy in Dourados, which brings together other observers ----------------------------------------
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 00:35:46 +0000

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