Mike wrote about being outside yesterday and working in the yard. - TopicsExpress


Mike wrote about being outside yesterday and working in the yard. It was the first warm, sunny day in central Ohio in over four months. It was invigorating and I had to go outside and start the spring yard cleanup. When you have flower beds, there are always places that need raked and plants that need moved. My sister corrects me when I say I have a yard. I have 12 acres of yard, and it didnt seem that big to me 15 years ago. A few years after I had planted most of the flower beds here, I bought this software program for my computer that allows you to draw your gardens and then place trees and plants in the drawing, so you can make a plan before you dig. It even had four seasons, and would show you the mature size that a tree or shrub would reach. Neat program. But the first step was to measure the area you wanted to plant. I measured the first garden, the one I named the Butterfly Garden. It was 80 x 200. I had already planted three flowering Crabapple trees, 32 butterfly bushes, a Sweetgum tree, tons of Bee Balm and Coneflowers in there but was curious what it looked like on paper. It was then that I realized that this one garden was larger than the entire subdivision lot that I had tended for the previous 27 years before moving here. I also had a Magnolia Garden, the Arbor Garden, the Hillside Garden, the Herb Garden, the foundation plantings, and the huge fenced in vegetable garden. I also realized that I had planted way more than one person may be able to maintain. But I was a young 50-year-old back then. Fast-forward 16 years to the older version of me. I finished the foundation planting yesterday. Had just started on the Arbor garden when the sun started going down in the west. Today it is supposed to rain. Rain is good for the plants and flowers. And I swear I watched the tulip and daffodil leaves grow 6 yesterday. Honest! They were barely above ground in the morning, and by the time I was picking up my shovels and rakes, they were nearly 8 tall. The rain will make them grow even more today and maybe produce a few buds. And the day lilies are peeking out of the ground. No hostas yet, so I need to rake those areas soon. I have hundreds of hostas. I love growing things, but my days go by faster now and I take more breaks from the labor. I just hope I can get this all finished by Easter. So if you dont see me on here much in the near future, you know where I will be. Happy Spring!!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:51:41 +0000

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