Military Spending vs Human Care September 4, 2013 Seductive - TopicsExpress


Military Spending vs Human Care September 4, 2013 Seductive military technology that the Military Industrial Complex generates on a regular basis, is simply a PR campaign to convince the public that we NEED all this new hardware. We already have the greatest hegemony on military power by far than any county in the history of our species. The downside though is huge. This technology serves one purpose: to keep the super rich and international corporations (owned by the super rich) in control of the worlds resources. These PR campaigns hide their goal: return the US, and every other country in the world, into an aristocracy with the super rich as kings and queens and the rest of us a wage slaves. They have turned the once proud and purposeful, preserve and protect freedom around the world, into thugs who enforce the greed of the super rich. Meanwhile, the neo-cons oppose all spending on any humanitarian ventures. Basics like care of our children ( our infant mortality rate is worse than many developing nations), our seniors---who were promised their whole working life that Medicare would take care of their needs---but Medicare is in shambles and is a source of national embarrassment. We are the only developed nation with national health care. Such a deed as taking good care of our ever burgeoning numbers of seniors is condemned by calling it "socialism, which will destroy the nation". Socialism is used in the same context as communism during the cold war, and is simply a billion tons of horse shit. Our allies in Europe have hardly been destroyed by national health care. This is just another fear tactic pulled out of the bottom of the barrel by a party that has nothing to offer, except opposing all things humanitarian. This is clearly the mark of sociopaths who have gained positions of power. They are born without the ability to see right from wrong and care nothing for the welfare of others. They are incapable of caring about others, in fact gain pleasure from dishing out misery whenever necessary. And last, but not least, instead of beefing up our historical unprecedented hegemony on military power, WE COULD TAKE CARE OF OUR VETERANS, WHO HAVE BEEN IGNORED IGNORED IGNORED, by the same war machine that they gave their lives to serve along idealistic lines. This arena: care for the needs of our people (young, old, vets, and disabled) vs. feeding the Military Industrial Complex exposed by Noam Chomsky and others in the sixties, but has not changed at all, would be an ideal battle ground for the rich vs poor struggle which is THE ISSUE of our era. Think about it. Morris Creedon-McVean
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 06:26:54 +0000

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