Mmmmh... Theres power in having teachable spirit regardless of who - TopicsExpress


Mmmmh... Theres power in having teachable spirit regardless of who and how old is the teacher: Just yesterday my 8 year old daughter saw me coughing closing my mouth with my hand in a fist form and she said mommy, when you cough, dont close your mouth with the fist, try to use the inside of your elbow, bend it and cough... Oh wow... :-) I never thought of it, I was impressed because it made sense as I realized that when we use our hands to cough on, the next thing we shall be shaking hands with other people, or we shall be touching things and all that with the very same hands (health issues), yet an inside of an elbow is hardly used :-)...and its very safe. So me being me... I then expanded this to the Word of God: Oh that we may have teachable spirit regardless of who is teaching us. There are things we were taught and grown up with pertaining the word and those things are good to keep but then as the Lord reveals, we must be ready to learn and let go of the old in order to enjoy the new. Both the hand and the elbow do the same work but the other safer than the other... eg: GRACE AND LAW...BOTH ARE GOOD, FROM THE SAME SOURCE BUT THE OTHER CONTAINS GERMS/CONDEMNATION AND DEATH...WHILE THE OTHER CONTAINS LIFE, LIBERTY FOREVER. Sadly most do not want to learn, they are comfortable with the old way of coughing even though it kills...they would tell you that it works for them forgetting that it puts the innocent in danger as they touch them with thoser hands. Why not be teachable and receive the new safer way that ensures life even to others? Is it because the one teaching is inexperienced or young or what? Noooo...lets open up to the new (GRACE) and live or close up to the old (LAW) and die... Dont look at the vessel, look at the content... My 8 year old embarrased my candle by showing me electricity, they both provide the light but the othert is greater than the other. Though I at times forget and use my hand but I keep remembering that noooo....theres an elbow to use maaaan, and its not even far..its here. It will take believing and practicing until I become one with this truth. Faith without action is dead...knowing and not doing is in vain. Aiy...let me stop...more is bubbling as I write this.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 09:13:57 +0000

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