Montauk Creatures Remote Viewing & Psi-Ops Sci-fis Primeval may - TopicsExpress


Montauk Creatures Remote Viewing & Psi-Ops Sci-fis Primeval may not be so far fetched! Strange creatures keep getting washed up on Long Island which just happens to be up current from the Time Travel experimental facilities in New Jersey. The Montauk Project was alleged to be a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel. The Ontario monster shows that other cases do exist. Due to scant verifiable evidence to support its existence, critics argue the Montauk Experiment is an unverified conspiracy theory or urban legend. The Panama monster also looks like a future animal. No longer used as a military facility, the Montauk Air Force Station has been open to the public for several years. However, public access to the old military building is prohibited. The earliest citation of the Montauk Project is uncertain, but elements of the story have circulated since at least the early-1980s. There is no definitive version of the Montauk Project narrative, but some accounts describe it as an extension or continuation of the Philadelphia Experiment. New Montauk monster. In 1943, the Philadelphia Experiment supposedly aimed to render the USS Eldridge optically invisible, with disastrous results. Though the story has circulated since the 1950s, skeptics note that Philadelphia Experiment accounts are unverified, and that the story was initially based largely on testimony of the mentally unstable Carl Allen. According to proponents of the Montauk Project, surviving researchers from the Philadelphia Experiment met in 1952-53. The researchers aimed to continue their earlier work on manipulating the ?electromagnetic shielding? that had been used to make the USS Eldridge invisible, and investigating possible military applications magnetic field manipulation as a psychological warfare device. Researchers purportedly created a report about their proposals, which was presented to the United States Congress and rejected as far too dangerous. By resubmitting their project directly to the United States Department of Defense and bypassing congressional approval, the researchers promised a powerful new weapon that induce the symptoms of psychotic disorders and schizophrenia at the touch of a button. The Department of Defense approved. Funding supposedly came from a cache of US$10 billion in Nazi gold recovered from a train found by US Army soldiers in a train tunnel in France, near the Swiss border. The train was blown up and all the soldiers involved were killed. When those funds ran out, additional funding was secured from ITT and Krupp AG in Germany. Work began at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) on Long Island, New York under the name of the Phoenix Project, but it was soon realized that the ?project? required a large and advanced radar dish, and installing one at Brookhaven National Laboratory would compromise the security of the project. Luckily, the US Air Force had a decommissioned base at Montauk, New York, not far from BNL, which had a complete SAGE radar installation. The site was large and remote and Montauk Point was not yet a tourist attraction. Water access would allow equipment to be moved in and out undetected. More importantly, the SAGE radar worked on a frequency of 400 MHz ? 425 MHz, right in the range of 410 MHz ? 420 MHz signal that was said to influence the human mind. Equipment was moved to Camp Hero at the Montauk AFB in 1967-1968, and installed in a ?Deep Underground Military Base? that the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) were redeveloping and expanding beneath the Montauk AFB on the surface at Montauk Point. According to conspiracy theorists, to mask the nature of the project the site was closed in 1969 and donated as a wildlife refuge/park, with the provision that everything underground within the ?D1 Base? would remain the property of the United States Air Force, although technically, in reality, the Montauk AFB remained in operation until 1987. The park has never been opened to the public, under the excuse of ?environmental contamination?. Various conspiracy theorists claim that experiments began in earnest from 1982 through to 1987-1988. They claim that during this time one, some or all of the following occurred at the site. The following claims are entirely unverified: Experiments were conducted in teleportation, parallel dimensions and time travel. On or about on August 12, 1983 the time travel project at Camp Hero interlocked in hyperspace with the original Project Rainbow back in 1943. The USS Eldridge was drawn into hyperspace and trapped there. Two men, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron both claim to have leaped from the deck of the USS Eldridge while it was in hyperspace and ended up after a period of severe disorientation at Camp Hero in the year 1983 at Montauk Point. Here they claim to have met John von Neumann, a famous physicist and mathematician, even though he died in 1957. John Von Neumann had supposedly worked on the original Philadelphia Experiment, but the United States Navy denies this. A ?porthole (portal) in time? was created which allowed researchers to travel anywhere in time or space. This was developed into a stable ?Time Tunnel.? Underground tunnels with abandoned cultural archives were explored on Mars using this technique where apparently some kind of ?Martians? had once lived many thousands and thousands of years earlier. Contact was made with alien extraterrestrials through the Time Tunnel and advanced kinds of ?etheric technology? was exchanged with them which enhanced the Montauk Project. This allowed broader access to hyperspace. Stewart Swerdlow also developed the ?language of hyperspace?, utilizing archetypes and glyphs as well as colour and tone, in other words, a ?non-linguistic language?, the language of the Creator, that is God itself. However many researchers have questioned the validity of Swerdlow and what he actually did within the Montauk Project. Enrico Chekov, a Spanish-Russian dissident, reported in 1988, after defecting to America, that satellite surveillance captured during the 1970s showed the formation of a large bubble of space-time centered on the site, lending further support to the D1 Base Time Tunnel research. After Chekov shared photographs with a reporter from the The New York Times, his apartment in Manhattan was burgled and the photos were all that was taken. People had their psychic abilities enhanced to the point where they could materialize objects out of thin air. Stewart Swerdlow claims to have been involved in the Montauk Project, and as a result, he says, his ?psionic? faculties were boosted, but at the cost of emotional and psychological instability, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other issues, including being programmed with microchips, and also through the use of ?psychotronic mind control?. An alien supposedly designed a chair, which an individual could sit in to boost his mental and precipatory powers. A prototype duplicate was given to Britain and put in a facility on the River Thames. The facility was expanded to as many as twelve levels and several hundred workers. Some reports have the facility extending under the town of Montauk itself and interconnected with vast maglev tunnel networks to other ?Deep Underground Military Bases?, also known as ?D1 Bases?. Nikola Tesla, whose death was faked in a conspiracy, was the chief director of operations at the base (which if they started in the 80s would make him 120+). Mass psychological experiments, such as the use of enormous subliminal messages projects and the creation of a ?Men in Black? corps to confuse and frighten the public, were invented there. The site was opened to the public on September 18, 2002 as Camp Hero State Park. The radar tower has been placed on the State and National Register of Historic Places. There are plans for a museum and interpretive center, focusing on World War II and Cold War-era history. Some dismissed this beast, dubbed the ?Montauk Monster?, as a bloated dog or racoon. Others scornfully concluded it to be nothing more than a Photoshop hoax. More significantly, the fiasco precipitated the mass media?s standard UFO conversation. For Montauk historians, the event and subsequent attention to it on media outlets could not have been a coincidence considering the area?s elaborate past. The Montauk Project has appeared in a number of TV shows and films including: A 2005 issue of the Pulse[1] notes that the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which starred Jim Carrey and featured manipulation of memory as a key plot element, was filmed in Montauk, New York. The issue claims an effort was made to film at Camp Hero State Park but that officials tried to discourage them with higher filming fees. The Philadelphia Experiment film follows the adventures of the two US Navy sailors through space-time, which touches on the Montauk Project even if the details differ. The TV show Stargate SG-1 contains a number of similarities to this, including space and time travel using energy portals in a secret military location; Aliens attacking through said portals; Earth being at war with aliens without public knowledge; and the city of Atlantis being discovered in another galaxy. The ?alien designed chair? for boosting mental powers recalls a similar device in the 1956 science fiction film Forbidden Planet. The 2007 film, The Signal, focuses on a strange signal being sent out through television and telephones. The signal causes people to acquire paranoid schizophrenia, and they feel like they have to kill or be killed, with no real provocation. Many books have been published on this subject, in particular the Montauk Project book series. There is also considerable crossover with the Philadelphia Experiment, so see that entry for more books on wider setting. Books that discuss aspects of the Montauk Project include: Berlitz, Charles; William Moore (1979). The Philadelphia Experiment ? Project Invisibility. Souvenir Press, 288 pages. ISBN 0-285-62999-9. Steiger, Brad; Alfred Bielek and Sherry Hanson Steiger (1990). The Philadelphia Experiment and Other UFO Conspiracies. Inner Light Publications & Global Communications, 160 pages. ISBN 0-938294-97-0. Nichols, Preston B.; Peter Moon (1992). The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. New York: Sky Books, 160 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-0-9. Nichols, Preston B.; Peter Moon (1993). Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity. New York: Sky Books, 254 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-1-7. X, Commander (1994). The Philadelphia Experiment Chronicles: Exploring the Strange Case of Alfred Bielek and Dr.M.K.Jessup. Inner Light Publications & Global Communications, 137 pages. ISBN 0-938294-00-8. Nichols, Preston B.; Peter Moon (1995). Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness. New York: Sky Books, 257 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-2-5. Moon, Peter (1997). The Black Sun: Montauk?s Nazi-Tibetan Connection. New York: Sky Books, 295 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-4-1. Swerdlow, Stewart (1998). in Peter Moon: Montauk: The Alien Connection. New York: Sky Books, 250 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-8-4. Wells, K.B. (1998). The Montauk Files: Unearthing the Phoenix Conspiracy. New Falcon Publications, 220 pages. ISBN 1-56184-134-X. Nichols, Preston B.; Peter Moon (2000). Music of Time. New York: Sky Books, 234 pages. ISBN 0-9678162-0-3. Bruce, Alexandra (2001). in Peter Moon: The Philadelphia Experiment Murder: Parallel Universes and the Physics of Insanity. New York: Sky Books, 244 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-4-1. Gordon, Wade (2002). in Peter Moon: Brookhaven Connection. New York: Sky Books, 250 pages. ISBN 0-9678162-1-1. * Moon, Peter (2005). The Montauk Book Of The Dead. New York: Sky Books, 456 pages. ISBN 0-9678162-3-8. GOOGLE EARTH MAP OF MONTAUK Youve got to love a story that is stranger than any fiction but claims to be the Gods honest truth. What could be more fabulously outrageous than the idea that your tax dollars have subsidized the demented experiments of an evil cabal of Navy brass, CIA shrinks, fugitive Nazis and Reptoid ETs? What could be more fantastic than the vision of them pow wowing together for a little high-tech, tantric voodoo? How very spicy, that this panoply of government geeks and their alien pals fired up interdimensional vortexes by means of a buff, naked dude who was jacked into a psychotronic chair ? while sporting a raging ★★★★★! Now, THATS entertainment. Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy but things will never be the same: They say the universe we call home is artificial; a mirror world that split off from the Original Universe when the Montauk Project started to go awry in the late 1970s. Pondering the veracity of these claims precipitates a lively debate in one?s head about the all-too-real implications of Quantum Mechanics, the Many Worlds Interpretation and Observer Created Reality. These are the current cutting edge scientific explanations for how reality works, with mathematical theorems and particle accelerator experiments that have seemingly proven them. Indeed, tests of these theories are presently being conducted at the very same Brookhaven National Lab cyclotron said by Montauk Project survivors to have generated the gigawatts needed for the nearby Camp Hero time travel and mind control experiments. The Many Worlds Interpretation is an application of the subatomic theorems of Quantum Mechanics to the larger, more familiar scale of matter that we call ?reality?. The MWI posits that every possibility in reality IS happening. ?We? (down to the smallest subatomic particle) are all perceiving and creating infinite parallel universes, constantly. Montaukians and the MWI agree that we each have myriad versions of ourselves simultaneously existing in an endless ?smear? of parallel worlds, locked into similar time-track illusions but with slightly different variables, extending infinitely. The essence of the Quantum Theory of Observer Created Reality is that there is no such thing as an OBJECTIVE reality ?out there?: it?s all in our heads. Everything is consciousness. One begins to see why time travel and mind control experiments would go hand-in-hand? Though the Montauk Project ceased in the 1983 of our timeline, it is said to be fully operational in numerous parallel worlds. These activities occasionally bleed through into our reality and there is talk about alternate Montaukian timelines threatening to collapse into and merge with ours, entirely. (Whatever THAT really means!) You had to be there! If you like weird science, look no further. The Montauk Project is one-stop shopping for every conspiracy theory imaginable, electro-physics-psychobabble, mind control, Pleiadians, Greys, the New World Order, Black Magick, closet queens and Delta Force operatives being sent back in time to scam Jesus or change the outcome of World War II. Experiencers swear on their lives that it all really happened. They remember it like it was yesterday (or six thousand years in the future). Philosophers ask, ?If a tree fell in the forest and nobody was there to see it, did it really happen?? The Montaukian corollary is: ?If you believe you went to Mars, who?s to say you didn?t?? Whatever you may believe about the mental health of the Montauk Project?s proponents and whatever core beliefs you may hold dear that are violated by what they discuss, you?ve got to love them for getting you to think about reality, consciousness and untapped human potentials in a whole new way. The chief benefit from the study of the nuclear-age pop cult homily of Montauk is this: Everything you can imagine is true, so choose your thoughts thoughtfully, choose your beliefs carefully and choose your REALITY wisely . . .
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 11:46:29 +0000

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