Month of Dec -Happy Birthday Sag! “A Merry Christmas this - TopicsExpress


Month of Dec -Happy Birthday Sag! “A Merry Christmas this December - To a lot of folks I dont remember” - ENJOY! ENTERTAIN! Mantra for the month - Generosity towards others, brings light and happiness into our own lives. The Holiday season, and the magic of Christmas is symbolized as the Winter Solstice begins on December 22, and the Sun commences in the earthy, Saturn ruled sign of Capricorn. This period marks both an ending as well as a beginning as we welcome 2015. Full Moon in Gemini - DEC ^ The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on Dec 6, creates an intense vortex of mental emotion as you seek to bend and stretch your intelligence so as to hold two (or more) approaches to the issue you confront. Are you experiencing breakthroughs in perception that at times are unnerving and other times inspiring? This is a Mercurial Full Moon once again inviting mental flexibility — the psychic space to change your mind. This particular Full Moon can be flexible providing you with that extra emotional and mental edge. New Moon in Capricorn - Dec 31 Dont wait until December 31 to make your New Year’s resolutions for 2015. One of the most serious New Moon cycles of the year is upon us on December 21 This is the most auspicious day to set intentions that require discipline, patience and responsibility. Capricorn is the sign that rules time, authority and integrity. It is a sign especially connected to our status in this world, our “piece of the rock” so to speak. This New Moon in Capricorn asks us to get clear about what we need to firmly say no to in our lives, so that we can have closure and be able to move on as well as add importance to the priorities in our lives both professionally as well as personally. Capricorn reminds us that there is only so much time in our life, and so we must eliminate all of those attachments and addictions that waste our most valuable time. Time to prioritize. Time to set boundaries and get your life in order. Venus in Sagittarius - When Venus is in Sagittarius: Moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, romantic energy shifts from intense to free-spirited. Sagittarius, of course, has its intense moments, considering it is a fire sign. However, its energy is considerably less focused; and, while Scorpio is most concerned with intimacy with a specific person, Sagittarius love is of a more universal kind. Romantic adventures, as well as a straightforward--even blunt--approach to love, are on the agenda. Gone are the intricacy and complexity of Venus in Scorpio. Truth and higher meaning are things that take priority with Venus in Sagittarius. The down side is a tendency to over spend, and to be overly generous. So be aware that you do have limits. Jupiter in Leo will go retrograde on December 9, 2014 going direct April 8, 2015.. Jupiter going retrograde at the doorway to the holiday-spending season and peoples wallets may curtail spending as well as it brings to light a need to be more conservative and less concerned with trivialities. No business, except those that usually do not make money during the Holiday season, are going to benefit from Jupiter, the big spender, going retrograde. Business people will not have a LOT to celebrate. Jupiter rules a sense of well being, of being ageless, living forever, being immortal, and people like to enjoy life, yet in retrograde its more about setting things aside and thinking them through. ike Jupiter going retrograde will affect most people born under the sign of Sagittarius, because it is their ruling sign. Also, because of its occurrence in Leo, those born under that sign will also be affected. In addition wherever Leo or Sagittarius is taking place in your sign will be where the emphasis is. You would need to know your time of birth to be able to know this. Sometimes retrogrades can be helpful in that provide us with the chance to reflect and see things from another perspective. SIGNS: Aries ( March 24-April 20) - The greater the challenge the more powerful you feel as this months influences bring to light a feeling of unrest as well as excitement. Both Jupiter and transiting Venus create a nice little trine to your own sign creating more of that sassy, independent spirit that you have. Also, realize that since Mars is your ruling sign, its occurrence in the free-spirited, rebellious sign of Aquarius, merely ignites you even more. Just saying, you may be feeling a bit overactive and antsy this month. Your need and desire to socialize may be a bit over the top. This holiday season is here, sit back and enjoy. Taurus ( April 21-may 21) - Though you dislike change, and you resist diversity, you may be excited by the prospect of new and better opportunities that await you. Also, personal matters become more of a focus as Saturn continues to set up house in your area of partners. However its opposition to your own sign merely creates this intense feeling of being pulled every which way. In addition, Jupiter at odds with your own sign could create tension in the work place, however much depends on how you react and relate. Gemini ( May 22-June 21) A very interesting, yet powerful cycle for you as Saturn at odds with your own sign intensifies your sense of how you perceive others. Personal and/or business related partnerships take on a new meaning, as well as new perspective. It’s either make it or break for the year ahead. Also be aware of your limits this month, and do not be too hasty when taking on new projects. Just remember you cannot always satisfy everyone all the time. Cancer ( June 22-July 23) - Streamline your work load this month, and focus on yourself for a change. This holiday season give yourself a gift the keeps giving; time with family & friends. Also, an exciting money aspect for you between Dec 7th through Mid- January as your financial cycle really flows. A great month ahead, however be aware that much can be said about too much coming in too soon. Leo ( Leo July 24-Aug 23) - As always, personal relationships, are your main focus, and now that lucky Jupiter in your own sign, you may see yourself a bit more serious about matters that need attention. Also, as the stars are very much in your favor, you may find that you are in a lucky cycle through speculation. Specifically speaking, Venus now transiting in Sagittarius merely opens the way to better prospects. A great month ahead, although it would be good for you to show a little restrain. Virgo ( Aug 24-24-Sept 23)- Influences in your area of work, accent your ability to be more productive as well as challenged. Though it is hard for you to make changes, you may see yourself a bit more open as opportunities begin to unfold. The year ahead is a going to be an interesting one, as Pluto in Capricorn in a good balance to your own sign, brings positive changes in job, and personal matters, while Jupiter in your area of thought helps to clear away the debris from the past. In addition, transiting Venus occurring in your area of home highlights family life. A good month to get settled. Libra ( Sept 24-Oct 23) Impulsiveness in the work place can be costly this month, as Pluto hovers over your 10th house of career. Take care when dealing with those in authority, be very clear with how you get your point across. This is time for recognition, as well as financial gain. For most Libra’s, the desire to create balance is of the essence, however during this cycle you may find yourself becoming more assertive and less tolerant with those closest to you. Honor your feelings, and go with the flow as most of the influences are very much in your favor. Its up to you to do the rest. Scorpio ( Oct 24-Nov 22)- The home front is the focal point for the next few weeks or so as influences set the stage for better family interaction. Communication should be clear and less strained. Work matters should for the time being, left in the back burner. Time for family, friends and a lot of reflection as Saturn continues to transit your own sign and transiting Venus highlights your money house. Also, Jupiter at odds with your own sign may give you pause where work matters are concerned. Sagittarius ( Nov 23-Dec 21) - Your mental perception is much clearer this month as you find yourself focusing on where it is you truly want to be. With transiting Venus traveling in your own sign, you could only wish for the best. Also, a very strong as well as conducive time for love connections as your own sign balances with expansive Jupiter. However, remember the golden rule, quality versus quantity. Capricorn ( Dec 23-Jan 20)- Tremendous, potent changes begin as transiting Venus travels through the most sensitive area of your chart; your subconscious mind. Time to relinquish issues from the past, as well as working on letting go of patterns and people that no longer serve your higher good. Be aware of your limits, and be timely with how you handle things. Resolution and moving forward is the key start this year. Also, this can also be a strong time for career advantage as your desire to forge ahead brings you into a better place. All in all, the year ahead promises much success. Aquarius ( Jan 21-Feb 19)- If your ambition is to play a major role on life’s stage, this could be the month where you may get your wish. This cycle opens the way for personal recognition, allowing others to see your self worth as Jupiter regains itself opposite your own sign. . A strong time for money and financial gain. Love can be interesting as well as highly unusual. This may be your luck month where everything you need actually falls into place. Pisces ( Feb 20- March 20)- As true as your spirit is, this holiday season finds you clear sighted and totally aware of all that is around you. Your instincts at their best. An excellent time to venture into your own unique space, your creative juices are forever flowing. Love, as interesting as it will, will be even more exciting this month.. Astrological tips; Entertaining? Best times December 2. 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, Janet Amid is a columnist that writes for Sylvania Advantage, and can be seen on Alternate Wednesdays on Channel 11 and Channel 36, and can be heard on 92.5 KISS FM Monday Mornings between 8:15 and 8:45 AM.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:22:47 +0000

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