1 thing I notice in the tributes to comics who have left us is - TopicsExpress


1 thing I notice in the tributes to comics who have left us is this - comedians leave a mark. Although their bodies may have gone away, there is a body of work left behind that is other-worldly and everlasting. Generations can share guffaws from the original content the comedians bestow to us. Laughter is a helluva legacy. I hope something becomes clear as we mourn the deaths of funny people: Value laughter in life. Lets not wait till someone dies to realize the significance of a gaggle of giggles. Find some funny in your personal life as much as you can, as it will move you into a better space and guide you through the most difficult times. Comedy is truth. It is real. It is original. It shifts consciousness. It moves our minds, hearts & souls... Please think about where you focus your energy. Do you bring your attention to the loud, but empty parade of darkness the media puts before you? Or does your daily calendar include a plan to laugh? True creativity is tapping into a source from the creator. I hope we can all come to realize that the crappy broadcast content we consume, selfishly forced onto our menu, is from a space closer to hell than anything heavenly sent like authentic humor. Reflect on our most beautiful moments on earth, and surely laughter was an integral part of those recollections. I notice some dont react well to Joan Rivers humor of ripping on others, but wonder if those same people watch reality shows, where we mindlessly watch phony, manufactured conflict. Do those who condemn Joan and her caustic wit turn on network news programs, with their visual cavalcade of carnage to attract your attention? Whatever came out of Joans ever-moving mouth and brain was inventive and unique, written by a genius of the joke, not mindless taunts from someone who wants to be famous by slamming others in a reality game, or talking pundit shills trying to rile your misplaced anger. Joan Rivers spent a lifetime writing humor to entertain you and make you laugh. she literally had boxes upon boxes of material on index cards, all assembled for your enjoyment. So, if you dont get it, then look at its intent. And note this - she tore into herself in a self deprecating way even more than she poked at celebrities. If you think it is interesting to hear an actress on a red carpet recite the same old lines written by a high paid publicist, then I ask you to look further than the designer dress the pop nymph-du-jour borrowed. It is not interesting, compelling or even entertaining to feed a narcissist a free meal. Joan worked hard to bag her prey. Comedy is there for your pleasure. If you are offended by a joke or outraged by a remark from a comic outside of your comfort level, just remember it is all there for YOU. Your instincts will lead you to chuckle or not. It is a visceral response, and the less filtered from both the teller and recipient, the better. Corporate spin is the polar opposite. Telling you how to think or feel, or instructing you to get with the cause they present to you with bias, is there for THEM. We seem to have accepted without pause the barrage of shootings, rape, child molestation and general mayhem the media puts before our children, but if a person tells a joke that is out of the norm, there is an outrage breakout. Our comfort zone seems to be designed by those with lots of money and power, where we no longer answer to our internal rhythm, the one that loves to enjoy life to the fullest, laughing our heartiest and knowing the illusion of news is pure nonsense. The FCC, corporate media and ad sponsored newspapers are threatened by the likes of Joan Rivers and Robin Williams, which is why we only see these icons honored when they die, using clips that are family friendly, bleeping out objectionable language and then cutting to a commercial about vaginal warts I am subsequently ordained to explain to my four year old. Wouldnt you love to see stories about who the censors are and what is their criteria? How about a documentary about the suits who own our the content of our voice, while shutting down the true messengers, the jockeys of jocularity? You wont see that piece. But we might hear the query about the hypocrisies from a comedian. A humorist sees things in 4D. Time to check out the full experience, wouldnt you say? Lets really honor Williams, Rivers, Carlin, Brenner and Winters, along with the younger and brilliant comedians who recently passed before they should have - Geraldo, Jeni, Hedberg, Wilson and Pinnette. Put down the remote and rise up from the easy chair and enJOY life to its fullest! Go to a comedy club. Take part and be part of an audience. You need it, and the connection with others requires you to add to the mix. By simply being there you are doing your part to shift the mess. Turn off the rehashed and regurgitated and join the Laughter Movement! To hell with writing ROTFL. Actually show up and roll on the floor with others. Its a time you wont soon forget. That is the way to honor the loss of the great comedians. Celebrate their death by living life. You are needed. There is a present in your presence...a gift that lasts forever.. Long live the wise crackers! For it is their wisdom we can live by!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:54:30 +0000

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