Most of you will know that I served 11 1/2 years in the army. I - TopicsExpress


Most of you will know that I served 11 1/2 years in the army. I never went to war thankfully but with all my heart I thank all who fought in both world wars. The modern army today has advanced so much since 1997 when I left and returned to civilian life. I cant begin to imagine the hardships and trials our lads in the trenches in Flanders faced. 20,000 men and boys died in 1 battle. The battle of the Somme in 1914. That was the first year of WW1. Stood in waterlogged trenches with the smell of death, rats running around and a barrage of gunfire and artillery shells!! I cant think of a worse situation to be in! I know exactly what the attitude would have been too... were here so best crack on and get the job done. Soldiers serving our country are very modest and see it as just doing a job. I certainly know its far more than just a job. Its the pride of maybe having to lay down your life for the protection, safety and ultimately the freedom of everyone back home in Blighty. Way back in 1914, 100 years ago, that job was as important then as it is now. Service men and women get my total respect and thanks, both past and present. Hats off to you all and I will always remember them. That is all.... can I get back to being a full blown nutter now please.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 22:24:14 +0000

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