Musings from under the stars. I live out in the country away from - TopicsExpress


Musings from under the stars. I live out in the country away from light pollution. I often sit out at night and gaze up at the stars during the summer and feel humbled by what’s overhead. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t believe in religion. I do believe is a higher power, you can refer to that by God, Frank , Ed or Sandra. What name different people use or whether they choose to ignore or dedicate their lives to Sandra makes no difference to me. But as I look up, I can’t help but feel confirmed that this is not all by accident. I usually get up early in the mornings before dawn to watch the brightest stars and planets being obscured by the rising daylight while I listen to the birds waking up and other sounds of nature greeting another day. I remember as a kid looking up at the vastness and thinking, “gee what if all this is just a dust speck in the corner of a big closet”. I suppose if a virus could think, that’s how it might perceive all that surrounds it. Been thinking lately about dark matter and dark energy. With the discovery of the higs boson last year, the quantum physics community is very excited about this as a major breakthrough in explaining the Big Bang and the evolution of the universe as we know it. 81 years ago a couple guys with nothing better to do sat down and calculated that the mass of all we see doesn’t add up and recently (last 15 years) we’ve confirmed that the universes’ expansion is accelerating rather that slowing down after the initial explosion. This of course flys in the face of everything Newton taught us about gravity. This same problem exacerbated Einstein and while he theorized many, many physics and math breakthroughs, (time and light for example) this problem eluded him. Recent theorists have decided something is out there we can’t see and it has mass and energy. The mass is the missing mass noticed 80 years ago and the energy is what’s pushing the stars and galaxies apart. It has also been observed recently that galaxy’s don’t play by all of Newton’s rules either. A rotating objects mass should rotate faster the closer to the center it is (like figure skaters). This is not the case. The inner and out arms rotate at the same speed. The exception is the matter that ventures too close to the event horizon of the black hole at their centers. String and super string theory is the flip side of course. Their proponents believe everything is connected by little vibrating strings (we can’t see them either) and does little to solve the missing mass issue. The discovery of the long theorized, “boson” is problematic for me. It’s like man is trying to play god. They even refer to it as the “God” particle. I suppose I should explain what it is. Basically it is what causes particles to move. Motionless particles are like senators, no use at all. Because I read suspense novels I’ll use an analogy. The cosmos are ruled by Sandra and she wants design order. Think of particles as a bunch of embassies with protective electric fences (higgs field) around them. Sandra needs someone who can infiltrate all these embassy’s and make the particles do whatever she wants, like forming dissident groups, governments, planets and stars. So she trains a super spy who can move freely through the electric fences and recruit members from any embassy to MOVE (defect if you will) to another, and do Sandra’s bidding by trading electric charges. This super spy is the boson. The charges, electron volts (eV) are large numbers and represent a particles mass at rest. A proton has an eV of 900million give or take , an electron has an ev of 500 thousand while a photon has an ev of zero. Funny thing about photons, they in fact are light, so they are able to defy the laws of gravity because they are light. LOL, they always travel at the same speed so time is measured with this constant. But light can be warped /distorted by gravity, so time can be warped or bent when passing by massive stars and galaxies. Sorry I’m getting off topic. My point is this. It was interesting to discover that all we can see constitutes only 4% of the mass in the universe. Something else is out there that we cannot perceive. Perhaps we aren’t supposed to. Personally, I’ve upgraded our status from,” dust ball in a closet”, to one small dimension surrounded by many others. This could help explain dark matter, dark energy, heaven, ghosts, Deja vu etc. I fear the discovery of the boson is only useful in this dimension but still won’t impact my life at all. As long as my soul is trapped in this body, I’m bound to this dimension. So while we fear death, we should really be looking at it as the ultimate boarding call to really travel. An opportunity to visit these other dimensions which surround us.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:23:51 +0000

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