My Complex Love Story – Episode 41 **The Night Class** I - TopicsExpress


My Complex Love Story – Episode 41 **The Night Class** I don’t think I need to tell you guys what happened afterwards na, I’ll let your imagination guide you and just so you know, there wasn’t any distraction this time. *** THURSDAY, 8:16am. I, Evelyn, Jane and Wizzy – you remember Wizzy right? Course rep, stood in the office of a certain ‘MR O.C NWACHUKWU’ or at least that’s what the name tag placed on his table says. ‘So do you students want to tell me what you were doing running within the school premises as early as 3am? when you are fully aware that no student is meant to be found wandering around between 12am – 5am’ MR Nwachukwu asked no one in particular. Oh wait a minute, you are probably asking yourself this.. ‘who the hell is Mr Nwachuwu, Jane and Evelyn and also what the fûck is this guy talking about?’ . Well let me tell you guys a funny story. *** Second semester exams were fast approaching and were already literally knocking at the door but unlike first semester where I was able to study and cover all my seven courses within a month, I hadn’t been able to do that this second semester due to the so many adventures I’ve been going through. I tried not skipping any lectures thinking that would help but I don’t know whats wrong with Nigerian lecturers, its either they don’t know how to lecture or they don’t attend classes, but either way, you cant pass an exam by just attending lectures so I was in deep shît. So naturally, I increased my studying … Wait a minute, check this out, ‘stuDYING’ and ‘stuDIED’, coincidence? I think not. Anyway I increased my studying hours in other to be able to catch up and be ready before exams came. You might be wondering do Micheal read? Well I do. You see, the thing with me is although I love anything on skirts (and trousers as the case maybe), football, food, clubbing etc, I still set my priorities right and I know my primary reason for being in school is to learn and come out with good grades. But here is the twist to the story, I HATE STUDYING, I find it really boring and tend to feel dizzy whenever I read, and reading under tension made it more difficult, so I had to look for a studying partner. I asked a couple of friends I had made but they all didn’t see to be interested so I just gave up and kept on managing until I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Wizzy made announcement one day, he said.. ‘You guys know exams are near and we are really behind on the course outlines of most courses, can you imagine I asked the marketing dept course rep where they were in MGT 153 and he said they were at the last topic whereas we don’t even know our lecturer name. So due to that, I’ve made some calls and plans that are going to help us.’ he paused to check if he had our attention then he continued ‘Firstly, we would all pay #1500 each for a tutorial class and those of us who pays would engage in a study group’. Naturally, Nigerians being who they are, stopped listening to him at the mention of ‘#1500′, but those people who really needed it and could afford it paid immediately. I paid too. It turned out that we were 9 in all, 6girls and 3 boys, which is a really nice number, or don’t you agree? *winks*. We picked certain days of the week to study and the tutorial classes also went well for a while until exams were just a week away. Wizzy came up with the idea that we added ‘Night Classes’ to our study timetable, but just I and two girls agreed with him, in person of Jane – who is just a course mate and Evelyn – you remember evelyn right? The girl who introduce her self on DAY 1 and it sounded like evening. So the four of us made plans and picked thursday/ friday night for the night class. Monday passed, tuesday followed, wednesday came and went and thursday finally came. I slept a little during the day in preparation for the night class. When I woke up later that evening I called Wizzy for the venue and he replied ‘OFRIMA’. Now, OFRIMA isn’t the name of a herbalist or an Aba made car, but its just the name of one of the biggest buildings in UNIPORT, arguably the biggest though. Its where most science and engineering students have their lectures and it simply a Science center. Firstly, the OFRIMA building houses a couple of corpse which I think are used for experiments by medical students and secondly, it has a large collection of statues and weirdly shaped things right at the front of the building. Rumor has it that those statues moves and dance at nights, Wither its true that they dance or move is a question left for the gods to answer. Anyway, my 3 persons crew and I were at the entrance of the building by 11:30 and we found a comfortable spot in the building where we settled to read. Here is when the problem started.. We had read a couple of hours and were feeling dizzy so we started gisting and Jane kept on telling us weird scary stories about OFRIMA which I didn’t believe, at first. The gist became boring and slowly we all drifted to sleep around 2:20am. I slept peacefully until out of no where I heard someone call my name.. ‘MICHAEL!’ but I opened my eyes and saw everyone was still sleeping, so I became scared.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 09:22:41 +0000

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