My JOURNEY TROUGH THE EVIL FOREST EPISODE 1 : i woke up from bed - TopicsExpress


My JOURNEY TROUGH THE EVIL FOREST EPISODE 1 : i woke up from bed in my village which is named odokun very tired wen i heard the town crier makin noise (actually dat foolish town crier woke me up) dat d king wants all d villagers to gather at d father Odewale came to check if i was awake because i was d lazy type my father married my mother her name was ifayemi she was from ifa side and i was d only child of my father back to the story my father said i should get ready so we can go to the palace to hear wat d king has to say.....actuall y my name is odeyemi but dey call me d lazy hunter....wen we got to palace we were all gathered both old and young men and women ready to hear wat the king has to say i went to stand near my best friend his name is ifatunde we are birds of the same feather we are both lazy and we hang abt 2geda some pple even think we are brothers.....we n the king came out we all postrated sayin kaaaaabiyeesi ooo....den d king announced that his daughter wil b getin married in d nxt market day and he wants everybody to b present i saed to my friend xo diz is wot d king wants to sae dat he made d town crier to wake me up ifatunde:dont mind dat foolish king he just want to b given some one wahala...d king daughter was to b married to a handsome man from odokun village(d village afta my village) d man is a prince in that village very handsome and tall(y wont d king accept d marriage proposal) afta d king introduced us to him he saed we could all go back home...and every villager went bak home.... Me and ifatunde walked home 2geda i accompanied home since his ouz b4 my ouz wen i got home i swept d whole compound wash d plate and prepared for huntin while we ate finish we decided to go hunting we took our Gun our cutlass and sack were wil put our prey and b4 we leave we ensure dat we worship the gods we were ogun worshippers.... .wen we got to the forest(me and my dad)we walked slowly xo no animal knws we are comin.....i was always scared bcos i was very scared of we were hunting we notin a slight movement and my dad told me to stay still i was already shakin...and suddenly our dog started barkin....wen the dog barks we knw d animal is close to us xo we follow d dog movement....til l i heard a gunshot my fada has short d antelope i was xo hapie and i started rejoicin bcos antelope is a very sweet meat den we took d prey and went home.....anytim e our huntin is successful my mother wil dance and praise me and my father....afta d huntin i went out to c my friend ifatunde we played and chatted ova d hunting...he laughed at me calling me a lazy hunter while i called him a lazy farmer..den ifatomiyin ifatunde juniour sista came in she greeted us and went inside hv always liked ifatunde juniur sista she is very beautiful she looks like a river goddess i was stil lukin at her wen ifatunde tapped me and somethin i didnt xpect happen......... ............... ............... WATCH OUT FOR EPISODE 2
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 18:32:58 +0000

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