My book -UFO Conspiracy sneak peak - TopicsExpress


My book -UFO Conspiracy sneak peak : https://youtube/watch?v=gBaHsstBz_E&list=UUqvXtBZqTE0OODcvBoED1MQ reviewed by MUFON UFO Conspiracy : A Standard for Ufologist shelf By Roger Marsh Editor – MUFON Journal Looking back at the long list of UFO-related books published over the past few decades, we see many intelligently written manuscripts. Some of the best titles covers jst obe specific UFO event in great detail after generally several years of research on the writer’s part. If you are looking for a book that introduces UFOs to a general audience – whether you personally want a foundation for your own UFO research or you are searching for that perfect gift to help a fellow non-believer get started – look no further thanCarmen McLaren’s UFO Conspiracy now in paperback from Schiffer Publishing Ltd. In this well planned manuacript, McLaren begins with a nice introduction to ufology where he offers up an explanation on why our government might keep UFOs secret, the basic types of UFO’s being spotted and even the role of the skeptic. The book then moves forward in eras beginning with “Primative Man to the Victorian Era”, where even the early cave dwellers allowed for UFOs – “painted disc of many sizes and shapes” right alongside “renderings of bison, reindeer, and bears grazing for food in the lush grasslands”. What follows in these early chapters is a remarkable collection of short pieces from multiple societies, across the globe – each leaving behind accounts of strange flying objects. In these and later chapters moving into the more odern eras, try the following experiment. Read the recorded witness testimony without any reference to time and place. Just read the witness testimony. And guess what? It could stand right alongside the current witness testimony being recorded today all across the U.S. and in every country on the planet where reports are available. McLaren quickly moves into more modern times covering the 1889 to 1946 era – before Roswell and Kenneth Arnold. We have the airship waves of 1896 and 1897 and other significant events here and abroad that suggest UFOs are definitely cross-cultural and continue unabated despite borders and changing times. The book captures a small piece of every major subdivision of Ufology in this title that could easily be incorporated as standard reading for Ufology 101 at a university leve. Instead of long laborious chapters – McLaren using an anecdotal technique with subtitles and short overviews to keep the reader interested and yet it is meticulously detailed and referenced. UFO Conspiracy is a wel presented and thoroughly researched overview that will fit well on anyone’s UFO bookshelf for the beginner, the arm-chair enthusiast or even the seasoned UFO Hunter. Carmen is a lifelong resident of Troy, New York and has been a MUFON member for 15 years. “I have always had a strong desire to share with the world the facts that I have been accumulating for over 30 years concerning the extent to which the government has gone to misinform the public about UFOs.” available from me at: ebay/itm/291100528030?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 or at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and book stores around the world
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:09:32 +0000

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