My good friends round the globe, i like to encourage those of you - TopicsExpress


My good friends round the globe, i like to encourage those of you that are always with me, encouraging me in one way or the other, even by saying Amen in your comment, thats a very big encouragement to me at least to seek God more to come up with something that will bless your life. What am sharing with you is the secret that worked for me, and i know it will work in your life too. And i like to say, no matter the challanges before you now, never mind as you keep focused in putting to work thos informations, very soon the Lord will anounce you in Jesus name. I here some saying man of God, how are you managing to come up with such inspirations every day, and what must i do to, what prize must i pay to flow in this dimention? Well the answer is very simple, I DWELL IN HIS PRESENCE that is the secret, there is no lay down method about it, its a calling into prophetic teaching ministry, and one thing is obviouse: when God calls a man into an office, He gives him the commensurate grace to function in it. So that no man will bost before Him, I dont struggle to do it cos, am not the one doing the job. For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure Phil. 2:13. And It is not of Him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercyRom.9:16. Its just the mercy of God And to some of my lovely friends that desire such office you desire a good thing, and the Lord will work it out for you in His own way and time. For He does all things beautiful in his time. Eccl.3:11. Friends there is a deposit of God in your life, through which you will come to the place of prominence in life. And that is the purpose for your living, dont joke with it. If you have been following our updates for some time now, you would discover that what weve been dealing on was on what will make you fulfill that which is your reason for living. Note: Dont take it lightly, whatever you can do to fulfill that pls. do cos there is danger in not fulfilling it. Pls. Read, Matthew 25:14-30. Friends and brethren, its not enough to be born again, not enough to be a worker/ member of a church, not even enough to live a holy life. If you dont discover your purpose for living and purssue it diligently you cant live a holy life. There is why you are here . Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb.12:2. there was a joy set before Him that made Him to endure, and despise. It will take a discovery of your purpose to give up every dirty habits ets. the grace of God upon your life at new birth is to a large estent, discover why you are here. Here are some analogy from the book of Matthew we read: These servants were given talents according to their abilities to transact with it, a day came the master came back and call them to give account of their stewardship; the one that had ten produced extra ten, likewise the one that had five. But the one given one talent could not do anything with it rather he dug ground and bury it, and could not make profit with it, so he could not present any additional increase to the master, and the man called him a wicked and slothful servant, and ordered him to be cast into outer darkness where there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. And that is surposedly hell fire. He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the church: When you dont fulfill your purpose for living, there is danger, no matter your commitment in the church. The reason for the topic we:ve been dwelling on for some time now (INTIMACY WITH GOD) is all about empowering you to fulfill your God given mandate. God bless you, be on line with us, your comments will be highly appreciated. Am still your friend and brother: Evang. past. Ifeanyi Chukwuka. Dominion Word Ministry Intl. Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa. Feel free to call us on these lines if you can. +234-7032979880. +234-8165594261. Have a nice day.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 04:31:00 +0000

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