My name is Brittani, and Ive been here. Exactly here. And it didnt - TopicsExpress


My name is Brittani, and Ive been here. Exactly here. And it didnt stop at name calling and making fun. I was quiet and nice and didnt mess with people, but they hated me for reasons I couldnt understand. I was different, yes, but did it warrant people hitting, kicking, and tripping me? Someone I had never even met or spoken to spitting on me as I was sitting and reading a book? People threatening to seriously harm or kill me when I finally got enough of a healthy self-image to not be hurt by teasing anymore? Bullies... This isnt a game. As soon as you graduate, all of your little punk friends are going to go off in their own little lives and FORGET WHO YOU ARE. Seriously, I dont recognize half the people I went to school with, and I remember maybe fifteen peoples names from my year. They dont matter enough to try to impress them by picking on someone because theyre different. So theyre weird? So what? What does it matter to you? If you have friends and a life and hobbies and school and after-school activities, wouldnt it make more sense to just ignore someone who you dont want to be friends with? Why would you want to make someone hurt so deeply that theyd harm or kill themselves? If you were to die in a car wreck today, would people remember you as the sweet smart person that everyone cherished, or as the hurtful bully that made someone elses life a living hell? Can you imagine your life without friends? What if you couldnt get through half a school day without being called names, made fun of, or hit? Worse, what if the teachers wouldnt do anything about it, and the only real solution was to take you out of school so people youve never hurt or even been mean to wont kill you? Victims... There is a silver lining. As I already mentioned above, I DONT remember almost anyone I went to school with. I certainly dont remember the names of any of my bullies. I left those bully losers behind when I left school to be homeschooled in high school due to death threats. I married someone who used to pick on me (though not as severely as most did), and we have a gorgeous two year old daughter. I am in school to be a real estate agent. I have two cats, and two dogs all of whom I love very much. I dont ever think about the things people used to say to me, unless I see a video like this and feel the need to reach out. Seriously, you CAN make it to graduation. And if you CANT comprehend going through the rest of school living like this, talk to your parents about a transfer, or online schooling, or private school, or complete homeschool. The best years of my schooling were spent in homeschool. Please dont self harm or consider suicide. All the things Ive accomplished now at age 21 wouldnt have happened if I had quit when I wanted to. And my life now was worth every minute I endured of public school. I am who I am because of it. Parents... Dont you DARE tell your child to suck it up or ignore them EVER. The kids at school are not jealous either. They are filled with the pack mentality of seething hatred for anything different. If you love them, you will LISTEN to their feelings and fears, and attempt to solve it, or at the VERY LEAST comfort them. Ignoring doesnt work. It just escalates. The teachers wont do a thing. It is YOUR job to protect your children. If you have to enroll them in online school to save their lives (or even just their self image), DO IT. If the bullying is THIS SEVERE, the three friends they have at school are not worth keeping them in that toxic environment. Teachers... If you are one of the RARE ones who confronts this problem, I admire and cherish you. You are a gift to our youth. If you just watch as theyre eaten alive, I have nothing to say to you. You are not a teacher worth having or remembering. Everyone... There are solutions out there other than the sweep it under the rug nonsolution everyone seems to have adopted. Help to save innocence, and wonder, and lives. Put a stop to bullying now. If you ever were bullied, or knew someone who was, or just want to help, SHARE this, please. Feel free to tag on your own experiences. This needs to be FIXED.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:51:46 +0000

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