My note to Bush in addendum.. You sent these kids in on lies, - TopicsExpress


My note to Bush in addendum.. You sent these kids in on lies, on sticking up for your daddys assassination attempt, your greed, your lack of morals. You sent these kids in illegally to complete a job, Gulf War Veterans were not permitted to finish with twice the troop strength. We were there, we destroyed the enemy. We did our job righteously, and stood up for a cause even we didnt understand. We obviously did it well, as you did not find anything of immediate threat to anyone. Much like the end of that date, where you were expecting to score, your father left us hanging inside Iraq. So from our generation and those before me.. We know you come from a long line of evil starting with your grandfather. Your father is personally responsible for this mess. My wish was that he followed his battlefield tactics and quit just before conceiving you. It didnt happen.Instead I am left to watch the effects of your greed on this nations youth, embarrassed they fought in our stead. I come to a realization with the recent turn of events in this quagmire your lineage created that my son, a PFC in the United States Marine Corps and fourth generation Marine to serve, may lose his life. This drama continues to play out and rules from Bush seniors CIA playbook, repeatedly enacted as the situation seemingly fluid to the unknowing are all being checked off your list. If I am correct I see two very immediate things happening as we begin to relive the sixties. These so called advisors will be sacrificed all in or in part to create the need for U.S.personnel and subsequent reinvasion of Iraq, 1.) Your team will once again keep us on a leash until more bloodshed and the sacrifice of more American lives justify your invasion of Syria. You will cite the need for our troops to take the war to the enemy whom continually run across the open border to Syria after cat and mouse attacks on our servicemen and women. 2.) the Iraqi government will have a sudden kumbaya moment, Maliki will be replaced with your puppet and we will be needed as security forces. When that happens see point #1. Vietnam all over again. I have personally declared waron the origination of your wealth and continued purchase of public office. The foundation of your wealth is evaporating as quickly your thinly veiled reasons for war to cover the profit you seek. As a U.S. citizen we are sick of your shit. There are enough of us now, and we are waking up. As a former Marine, I will come after your ability to make war and purchase political power. We will beat you at your own game. With every generation you have became more relaxed in your morals, less dedicated to your work, as you use your sense of self entitlement and birthright to continue your legacy. We will defeat you by replacing the fossil fuels your wealth depends on. We as Americans see the true cost of fossil fuels. We can create the same products as your refineries at a lower cost.Subsidies be damned. Our resources are infinite; as yours are waning. The battles on the store shelves. We will win through truth and transparency while you flounder in doubt and deceit. I have been sworn to protect this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. I will continue to educate the general public as to the power of the consumer dollar. I will appeal to what your gene pool lacks. Common sense. I will put those vets to work replicating the command and control systems, we have been taught. As a father you have elevated the urgency of my mission. Far more tangible to me than climate change, you have threatened my family whom will continue to serve this nation with honor and distinction. You have threatened my brothers in sisters in arms past and present. We will bring your War machine to a grinding halt and hold territory on hearts and minds campaigns, not death and destruction. There is a word I was surprised my son nor his peers ever heard of widely used by the military. F.U.B.A.R. I suggest you learn it. Your industries will. Welcome to the Industrial Evolution and a bio economy you irreverent pricks. ES The Centre for Industrial Evolution Coming this summer.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 00:23:37 +0000

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