My original thought was Angel, or time traveler. I believe in - TopicsExpress


My original thought was Angel, or time traveler. I believe in powers greater than ourselves AND the inevitability that humans will eventually learn to manipulate time itself. I believe that we all, being children of God, and not the Theistic concept of God, but a Consciousness/Source of all being/The Force ;-), we have been endowed with that very potential. Potential that we have not even fathomed yet.....Godlike potential. Would it not stand to reason that if God, aka The Source of ALL Being, createdus, and did so in his own image, (and Im not talking about any physical image, I am talking about a Spiritual/non-corporeal image....a Godlike image....our Consciosness & energy), then wouldnt we be created with godlike potential? And it is upon us to grow and evolve our Consciouness into such? What I call the Christ Consciousness. Our FULL potential and destiny....what The Christs message really was. For Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, the one who believes in me will also do what I m doing. He will do even greater things than these. Jesus~ John 14:12 Beleiving in him, in my mind, means simply beleivibg in his message that we ARE him, and he is a Human manifestation of God. Therefore we too are Human manifestations of God. That potential lies, usually dormant, in each and every Human Being. As for the question of creation v evolution, I believe Darwin was correct about physical evolution, but believe that the Consciousness that lies behind and animates this physical matter we are made of, is but a small part of a greater Consciousness that actually originally created matter with a mere creative thought.... What would a physical experience be like? What science refers to as The Big Bang, I believe was a conscious idea, a creative thought, by a Consciousness that is The Source of all Being....for you SciFi fans, The Force. I believe in this possibility and the potential of Human Beings to be so much more than we are or give ourselves credit for. I am a Possibilian. What we KNOW is but a drop in the ocean of knowledge and information that is this Physical Universe....much less the Spiritual realm. The possibilities are as infinite as God itself. I really dig exploring and discussing these kind of ideas. My intention is never to impose any beliefs or ideas upon ANYONE, but merely to share other possible perspectives of our existance. If something resonates Truth for you or anyone reading this, great! If not, thats cool too. Makes no difference to me. If Ones belief is strong then One has no need threatened by anothers beliefs.....or disbelief. Stepping down now off soap box. ;-)
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 11:13:35 +0000

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