My son was learning to talk at 11 months. He started with small - TopicsExpress


My son was learning to talk at 11 months. He started with small words like knock knock or he would say mommy or buh bye. He always waved bye squeezing his fingers up and down. He would let me hold him for hours. When I went to the Doctor when Skylar was 1 and some months I took him to get his vaccines. I specifically said I dont want the mmr shot for my son. The Dr was not happy. She came back in and said that these were the shots that hed get instead. I realized I signed the paper with out fully understanding what was in the small print and being distracted by my life problems, just not paying attention like I so heavy heartedly regret. After my son received the shot he was sick with 104 fever for a week. He never had a reaction to any shot before. Couldnt eat, couldnt drink , constantly threw up and other bad symptoms... We were all scared. After time went by my son couldnt make eye contact, couldnt sooth himself...well and for those words and waves goodbye? All gone. He started laughing at mid air, flapping his hands and walking on his toes, saying words in pure gibberish ..which he still does. My mom, who is an occupational therapist, tried so cautiously to tell me she thought he had shown signs of autism. After all the Dr visits it was true. I cried every time I tried to tell anyone. This was a series of three years no sleep, violent tantrums, unstoppable sobbing and struggle with all his needs. I honestly do not care what anyone thinks, I know in my heart who my son was, Ive done the research, I have met other parents with the same story my moms clients as well and I love my son for who he is no doubt. But if I knew I could detoxify his little frail body and give him his words back I would have taken that day back. My son still struggles with eye contact, he still cannot tell me most things that pain him and he still doesnt call me mommy unless i prompt him . Some people may never have given their child a vaccine and they still had autism, but some people dont always have 100 the same trigger. But 1 in 48 kids with autism suppose to 1 in 5000 in the 80s? You be the judge. I know where I stand.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 01:26:39 +0000

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