My sponsor made over $10k last week, you will make good money in - TopicsExpress


My sponsor made over $10k last week, you will make good money in here instead.. STOP! When I was fairly new in this industry, I used to get lured into joining another company simply because of comp plans and new launches. If youre constantly jumpshipping because of hype, then you need to really take a step back and evaluate what it is that you are doing.. 1) Youre probably not growing your network so jumping to next deal will most likely wont help you. Network = net worth 2) You might be growing your network fast, but the people who are watching you are seeing you jump from one network marketing company to the next every week. They wont follow again. They might like you as a friend, but wont do business with you. This is a friend zone stage in a relationship 3) Youre talking to the same 5-10 people everyday. Dont wait for the I might join soon people. Just assume it is a NO and followup with them another time. Grow your network with new people while cultivating relationship with the ones that care about you 4) Lack of consistency in marketing strategies. Try to master specific types of marketing and become a pro so people seek your help to learn from you. There are endless ways to generate leads. Facebook isnt the only method. I like Facebook because I mastered it. This is my playground. If you are constantly dabbling in different strategies without consistency, then you will lose focus and not generate leads. Whatever strategy you use, you MUST be growing your network which is WHY I like using Facebook. 5) Find a company that has a culture that YOU like. Youre more likely to remain loyal and happy because you like the people. If youre not happy with the people, then you will treat your business like a 9-5 job. Just doing it for the money isnt going to help get you to the top of the company 6) Do what the successful marketers are doing and stop doing what the unsuccessful marketers are doing. Follow successful people and add your own personal touch. It simply takes practice. You have to stand out and brand yourself ------ Comp plan isnt everything otherwise you all will be rich already. New launches are also very unstable and all the hiccups can be very discouraging to your team. Constantly learning, enjoy the culture, and grow your network while cultivating relationship are your ways to success in this industry ***
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 11:28:29 +0000

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