My thoughts for the day: Simple mathematics tells us that - TopicsExpress


My thoughts for the day: Simple mathematics tells us that 1+1=2, 2+2=4, 3+3=6, 4+4=8, and so on and so on. While in grade school, my teachers would have me study and work on problems for hours and hours until I was able to come up with the correct answer. When it came time for the test I was well prepared and ready to solve each problem. As I sit here and mediate on those days I realized that my teachers never gave me a blank sheet of paper and said “here take this test” or “here’s your test”. They would always gave me a sheet of paper with many problems (unsolved problems), now as I sit here and think on this I realized that no problem was ever solved until I admitted or realized that there was one. Remember, blank sheet of paper, no problems; sheet of paper with unsolved problems, many problems. Now as I reflect on my life I have come to the conclusion that I am a sheet of paper with many unsolved problems, but the only way to solve my problems and issues is to admit that I have them. When your teachers gave you a sheet of paper with many unsolved problems, you were able to solve them because you could admit that you had problems; it was evident that you had many problems. As a believer I am connected to the PROBLEM SOLVER, the INSTRUCTOR, the TEACHER, but how will HE be able to solve my problems and issues if I don’t admit and confess unto HIM that I have them; how can HE solve my problems if I don’t give them all over to HIM. What problems do you have going on in your life today that you are overlooking or afraid to admit that you have? Who are you seeking to get a resolution to your problems and issues? My bible tells me in Psalms 50:15 to call upon me “the Lord” in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. Matthew 6:33 says to seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Which tells me that those problems, those issues that I have can all be solved if I just seek ye first Kingdom of God; develop a relationship and become more Kingdom minded. As I encourage you, I encourage myself to admit that you are that sheet of paper with many problems but all you have to do is admit that you have problems, confess your problems, and develop a close relationship with the PROBLEM SOLVER, the TEACHER, the INSTRUCTOR, our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. My prayer is that this ministered to someone out there in facebook world. Have a Blessed Day!!! #chasegr8+ Grounded and Rooted!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 15:03:45 +0000

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